The High Elf Love Thread đŸ„°

You’d have to be willingly ignorant to say that the Alliance High Elves have absolutely no story. It isn’t exactly a deep story at the moment, but they have their differences

I’ll fully acknowledge that Blood Elves are the true continuation of what the High Elves were before Arthas came around, but that doesn’t completely invalidate the request for playable Quel’dorei

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Are Void Elves still a Horde race? Are the High Elves that I see still a Horde races even though it says “Alliance” when I mouse over them? Are those in the Silver Covenant still Horde even though there are instances where they’d attack and kill Horde?

I get what the anti argument is, but it sounds like one big self imposed restriction to me

That is more of a game design thing rather than a matter of lore, let us not pair the two together Lori.


You’re probably right. If the SC never officially joins the Alliance I’d love to see this cited as one of their reasons why

It’s not exactly comparing apples to apples, but I think it’s related. I see so many paladins with Ashbringers, would it be ao odd to see so many Quel’dorei despite their low numbers?

Population just isn’t one of the strongest arguments when it comes to player options, is all I’m saying

Sorry, only one with the opinion of sacrificing quality is you.

All in all, this is content and content nets game companies money, your feelings of exclusivity to something does not.

It isn’t a deep story because they were never meant to be playable, not in the wildest dreams. They were only ever meant to be quest assets. So idk if you were here but i’ll reiterate some of my other arguments for you.

Faction Identity. It exists and its in jeopardy especially with the way the plots are going. I don’t want WoW to turn into something like ESO or whatever other MMO that allows to be a “merc” for another faction. As soon as we break a barrier like High Elves other people are gonna come with other requests. Humans that sided with the Horde, or Demonic Eredar (draenei). It’s bad enough we get people complaining about Nightborne and Void Elves. Continuing down this line but with even LESS things making them different and special is gonna be an unmitigated disaster.

High Elves wont get raiders to raid competitively , It wont get them to PVP.


You are literally trying to trade money for a Horde race, sacrificing one of the few distinguishable things about this game. Factions.

I’m sorry guys but I just realised
where the hell is Hyperspace? It’s not a real helfer thread without her. I don’t stan this thread until she’s in it.


Thats a blood elf player right? So damn many of them. I love it when Bourbon appears.

glances over at the antis constantly arguing and posting in the thread to keep it alive

Golly gee
its not like the antis are keeping the discussion alive, because this thread would have been dead days ago if not


I don’t consider a Dalaran faction to be an Alliance faction.

Void Elves should have the unique model/customizations.

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Not to mention Void Elves are literally mutated with the void. So its an entirely different race, down to the cells in their body.

Something like the Druchii from warhammer. They should have a more villainous, sharp and cold look to them, with a hint of haggardness

I’m not, but that’s not the first time you didn’t read to completion and spoke of something you have no interest or idea in.

If you have an issue with that blurry concept you would of had your conniption back in Mists and then again in the end of Legion when ARs were introduced, this is again, a personal issue.

  1. wasnt around during Mists and 2, completely different set of circumstances. Pandas had not pledged loyalty to EITHER faction and thus as a neutral race they worked. This is not that scenario as much as u want it to me. And yeah, i never asked for Nightborne or Void Elves. Try again.
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Here’s hoping.

Just waiting for the mega-thread again, were we actually speak about High Elves.

At the risk of sounding like I am repeating myself, it wouldn’t be the Silvermoon high elves anymore
 it would be the Silvermoon Blood elves, unless for some unforeseen reason they go back and pick up the high elf name again.

This is where the high elves of alliance work as an allied race, they are there as playable, have a few bits and pieces here and there for their faction, but not an over arching part of the story
 and definitely shouldn’t over shadow anything else.

The Blood elves certainly need more love since they haven’t got much story wise since TBC. Iam all for it, blizz needs to develop all core races, for all we see in game we are stuck in cata still.

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I wouldn’t hold your breath.


That explains everything.

Doesn’t matter what you asked for, it happened.

I don’t need to “try” at all, the game supports my idea for me, thanks though.