The hilarious part is that they gave us an entire storyline that freed the Drakonid from “slavery” and they were given the freedom to choose whatever path they wanted and to do whatever they wanted… yet never became an Allied Race.
Most of my mains are Vulpera and I still don’t like 'em, so I don’t think that’s it.
- They have weird animations.
- They don’t really have transmogs in their primary form.
- The whole one race/one class idea felt bad from the start to me.
- They had no lore behind them and just felt like they were pulled from someone’s butt.
Really good points but I can’t wait to level my Drak prot war
You should consider to level in warmode.
You’ll get 10% more exp!
I always wanted half dragons in WoW. Drakthyr are the closest we are going to get.
Level in war mode in the blood elf starting area . I’ve done this a billion times with out ever seeing alliance .
This yes this would have been perfect, use the model of the first drakonoid you com across. The one you convince to blow the horn or whatever, slap some wings on it give it a deep raspy voice.
I would have rolled a drakthere on launch. Definitly would have added to the feel of them being these “elite soldiers” the drakthre npcs claim to be, they say that and i just think “no your casters”
i think probably the quote shoulda read this way off rip
Dracthyr were definitely a mistake, so were Vulpera. But Gnomes were the biggest mistake of all. #neveragain
Ah yeah, I vaguely remember hearing about Horizons. They would probably qualify as the best form of playable dragons, since they’re the only ones that give you actual dragons. But yep when you compare Dracthyr in WoW with the Drakkin in EQ and the Au Ra in FFXIV, Dracthyr are just far, far closer to true dragons and IMO that makes them superior.
Never played EQ2 so have no real comment on Aerakyn.
I am still working on eliminating the blight on Azeroth that are gnomes. One day we will find a solution.
While I can’t get into evoker class at all calling them a “mistake” seems a bit too far.
But vulperas exists so at this point…
Ops trying so hard to make his opinion seem special with that “harsh truth” nonsense.
Honestly, I think if Dracthyr could just have thicker necks, wider/longer heads and exposed teeth on the sides (Basically, see concept art/animated short Emberthal) as options.
We’d be better off, but what we got is pretty good. Not sure why people are insinuating, still, that everyone wanted big ‘beefy’ drakonids. No thank you, misshapen fridges are ugly.
Pandas been part of wacraft since the RTS. Your abominations did not.
In general I feel adding new races for the sake of having a selling point on an expansion has been bad for a while.
It gave us the abomination of allied races which should have just been more customizations for existing races in the barber shop (as well as lets be honest playable high elves and the ability for players to have some choice in what faction their character is part of as we now have nightborne (night elf-ish) and earthen dwarves for the horde.
Yet Blizzard can’t stop. They can’t stop because they’re not brave and because a bunch of ignorant loudmouths whine and sob and beg and demand new race every expac on a 20 year old game. And unfortunately it does drive sales to some degree. It keeps the cycle running, it gets players to come back and they need to break that expectation part of the cycle and change it to new zones, new raids, and not much more.
It just isn’t reasonable anymore. They can hardly balance the classes they have now or keep animations working right for the races we have. We’re still stuck with awful ugly painted on armor instead of true-3d and likely will be forever and these people are just piling more work on so that a fraction, 1% of the playerbase can play their extra special weird NPC-race as a playable race.
Drac’thyr are absolutely part of that. It’s an example of Blizzard listening to player wants but not really and trying to give people a half-baked solution no one is really happy with.
It’s okay to say no when there are real impediments to implementing a player want and playable dragons always had real impediments that could not be resolved with the present game which resulted in this bad compromise. (By contrast giving players playable high elves breaks nothing mechanically nor creates additional artist burden given the shared model/skeleton with blood elves but was long and successfully resisted by Blizzard on grounds of simply not wanting to)
But they have a quota of a new race every expansion it seems. I’d rather they abolish the allied race system and instead offer two new barbershop customizations (like frost dwarves or jungle trolls) every expansion instead.
Allied races have awful lore, no proper new player starter zones (cut-backs, more evidence of how over time there have been observable, definite, non-reversed cut-backs on the amount of effort devs can put in), and haven’t really given players what we want and need.
I would have loved a true dragon race but settled for this one. I agree that visage forms seemed like an oversight, and only having weapon, belt, and shoulder transmog options seem like an even bigger one. (Not only mentioning that mail has the worst sets IMO)
Drakonids would have been way cool. I just want a zug zug dragon race too…
Dracthyr and Evoker each seem like things that both the playerbase and developers just kind of want to sweep away via opening more classes to the race and prioritizing visage form.
It was an overall failure in execution both as a race and a class. Augmentation is the only thing keeping it relevant and it’s barely an expansion old.
The pandarians of WC3 dont look anything like current versions. We got kung fu panda version body.