The "hard mode" stuff has ruined Wrath Classic

Ok, lets use your argument, if its not that much responsibility then just let it be automated because you just have to invite 4 random people. I dont know why you are so adamant on gatekeeping people from playing the game in content that you shouldnt care about at all. If people want to jump into RDF to farm out some badges let them, what does it do to you exactly?

Ever heard of GS? If you dont have a certain point, even if you make your own group, good luck. You arent getting into an H+, and trying to find a regular heroic because Blizzard made H+ mandatory is not being able to play the game.

Then dont be elitist and dont gatekeep, im just calling it like I see it.

Group forming is not gameplay. Its group forming. Might be group forming within a game, but its not gameplay.

You mean the bugged system? Where you cant say you want regular heroic or H+? Where it says people are things that they arent showing 4 dps, or even 2 tanks in groups and those people might not even be those roles? Or filling in message attachment from a previous group and not being able to change it? That tool? I rather just press a button for regular heroic dungeons and be on my way than to deal with that buggy watered down retail ā€œtoolā€.

Or how about being invited to tank a group, just talking to the group leader, and then when invited ā€œhey can you DPS im going tankā€.


The one group I put together around October, I had a fake DK tank queue up and wipe us and ghosted us by logging out immediately.

I didnā€™t feel like doing the grind of looking for a replacement as it had already taken a while to put that group together, that I expressed my concerns to the group and wished to cease and desist from doing a dungeon.

The group got a little peeved and made a comment that I wasted their time.

I reflected on it. Maybe theyā€™re right and I did. But I wasnā€™t expecting the DK to misrepresent himself either.

Perhaps I could have been thorough and checked the DK for proper tanking protocol.

No more half measures. Iā€™ll never put a dungeon group together again.

Not even sure how to respond to this. You made a group and a guy dipped. sorry?

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It goes to what you said about responsibility in your post.

A responsibility RDF handles impartially for all of us.


lmao. literally everything you said is nonsense. Literal excuses. If you have a lower GS then find others with similar. Its not hard. But im done as people like yourself as never gonna use any initiative and always use excuses because no ones holding your hand.

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But again i never said i was against RFD. i would welcome it . My main point was that the game is playable without it

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I hope when they add it they add lfr at the same time. Not that I want lfr but itā€™ll doubly piss you off if they add it early.

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Thatā€™s a meaningless point. I have alts I leveled up in original and classic vanilla and bc that never did a dungeon until rdf was added. It was just so much trouble to find groups for alts that didnā€™t heal or tank that sometimes I just didnā€™t bother. The game was playable like that but who the eff cares because it was a lot less fun.


all your saying just falls back into the ā€œi dont want toā€ category which just even further proves my previous comment that the issue currently is player side.


And whatā€™s wrong with that??

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wrong with what?

Made me lol for some reason haha

Sure. There is a definite limit on how many things Iā€™ll do in a game that arenā€™t fun. If there were only pvp servers I wouldnā€™t play wow at all. The constant ganking isnā€™t fun for leveling and ganking lowbies when Iā€™m at a high level is boring too. It wouldnā€™t bother me at all if blizzard did rdf like pvp, you have rdf servers and non-rdf servers. Then everyone could have more fun with the game.

No I donā€™t think it is. Without rdf 98% of the players do less dungeons than they would like too. When accessability to such an important part of the game is that low itā€™s a game design flaw.


Atleast this we can agree on

actually ive gotta disagree, the game is pretty unplayable without it.
for instance, at 70-79 75% of your time is spent on the lfg chat forming the group, and 25% of the time is spent playing the game.
when that boils down to each toon, do the math:
5% of your time is spent doing the dungeon and 95% of the time is spent organizing and being a task-worker.

no sane developer ever said ā€œgamesā€ should be ā€œworkā€
ā€¦unless of course youā€™re intention is to drive the player base to a different gameā€¦


Ive never spent time like that finding grps. But i quess its diff mentality/playstyle. Unlike most people, when i get in groups i actually talk and become social. Therefore making friends, which leads to having people to play with. Its fair you have your experience but its always gonna lead back to player side imo


Basically wanting to be lazy and let RDF do it?

scroll up. ive mentioned numerous times im not against it.

I donā€™t believe you. I like to heal and my main and a few alts heal. Iā€™ve done lots of dungeons with those healers. Now I admit that I donā€™t like to chat in dungeons but Iā€™m only one person. I never rush the group, in fact most groups go faster than Iā€™d like to. But thatā€™s a tankā€™s decision. Iā€™d never tell people in the group to shut up, move along, and pay attention to the game. If people were social in dungeon runs I would have seen the other four players chatting up a storm in the dungeons Iā€™ve run. But Iā€™ve never seen it so I doubt your claim.

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doubt all youd like. Nothing i can show to prove anything so doubt is what youll have i quess