The "hard mode" stuff has ruined Wrath Classic

Wow token is the best.

Free 2 play game

What a time to be alive

This is Wrath, not Vanilla.


This isnt fast food, and you can still get things how you want it at Wendyā€™s. Dont want mayo? They wont put it on, dont want tomato? They wont put it on either.

Its actually not. Some people dont want the responsibility or added responsibility of forming a group, you might have friends but they might not be on at the moment or they dont play Wrath Classic and the same goes with guilds.

But the thing is, you can make your own group, you can group up with friends, you can join a guild even with RDF in place if you want to, not to mention there are is H+ which no one is asking to be a part of the RDF from what I have seen.

Your arguments along with others are absolutely pointless and nonsensical.

There is no social aspect with dungeons, not in regular heroic or even H+. I dont know what kind of interactions you expect people to have before during and after dungeons, but its not happening.


I just like how they are keeping 40 man ony in BUT not naxx

literally proved my point. you ā€œnot wanting to do somethingā€ is a problem on your end.


Big mistake here, thinking that these super sweaty meter monkey parse lord classic players would be any better.

The difference is that people play classic because itā€™s easy AF.


Imagine wanting to go back and kill bosses that just stand there.

I care.

I like them.


Your ā€œfactā€ is fallacy.

Youā€™re not guaranteed access to anything in this game. Not even server uptime.

So why you feel the need to whine and complain, Iā€™ll never know. Dungeon finder was what made the game the hellhole it is in retail.


Itā€™s either a fact or it isnā€™t. Demonstrate how it isnā€™t a fact.

And the taking things out of context has begun.

To spite you and your ilk and hopefully change the game into something you dislike just to get your panties in a bunch. And to hopefully get rid of ppl like you.

You canā€™t use it for mythic/+ dungeons. Your retail works just like classic.


Itā€™s an opinion.


A fact is a fact.

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No, you canā€™t, however, I prefer a game where people are accountable for their actions. Nameless faceless RDF takes that and tosses it out a window.

Did you not play this game before they added the dungeon finder to retail? I actually kinda hope that when they do add it, they add it just like they did at retailā€¦ where it was server only and preferred your friends list.

Make some friends, get a guild, form your own groups.

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Hereā€™s a fact.

You are a ignorant, entitled, Karen.

Have fun finding a new game. Try candy crush

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Iā€™m already waiting for Metroid Prime 4, TY.

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Gotta appreciate that classic Karen signature, the capital TY at the end

No u.

Lol uhhh what??

No, thats not proving your point, how much of the population do you think should be group leaders? Its 20% of the overall population for 5m content meaning people have to not make their own groups for the content to be ran, 80% of the playerbase actually has to not make their own groups. So you telling people to ā€œmake your own groupā€ isnt a solution. Not to mention you only have a limited pool of players per server. And if there only 2 people looking, or there are 15 but none of them want to do the dungeon you do for whatever reason, you are just SoL even if you did make your own group because there isnt a pool of players to fill the group.

Not wanting more responsibility is not a problem either. Its just you trying to say its everyone elses fault and there is nothing wrong with the system in place yet there absolutely is. Sorry that you are so blind due to your elitism and wanting to keep people from doing the content, but thats making a problem for the rest of us so you are the problem.


Iā€™m saying that a target audience out there has enough sway that they can impose on something they want like same faction BGs, Pally buffs whom I feel didnā€™t need them, and soon to come, Warr and Druid buffs.

Meanwhile all I really want is RDF, and from what I can tell, so do a few others, and I donā€™t know if Iā€™m ever going to get it.

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Lets use a 5man as an example. How much ā€œresponsiblityā€ do you really think is needed to invite 4 other people? Your not responsible for anything other than inviting them. After that its individual accountability to play your role. If someone chooses not to do that, thats on them. Ive alrdy stated that RDF would be great. But crying that you cant play the game without it essentially, is just idiotic. Love how people like to throw around ā€œelitismā€ and ā€œgatekeepingā€ in every arguement. If being an elitist means taking responsibility for my own gameplay and taking the tools we are given to achieve the things i want, then sure, ill be an elitist.