The "hard mode" stuff has ruined Wrath Classic

I love this idea. Always have wanted this.

Not smart enough to know that a comment would be the exact same comment regardless of the character posting?

Some of you ppl take this role playing a little to far. Do u actually think u r an undead character when u post? Ur not. Shocker. Here is some wake up info. When someone posts on a lvl 80 or a lvl 10, its the SAME human being regardless. Lmao. What a joke.

Because the European version of WoW is drastically different from the US one.

We even have the same copy/paste blue posts by the same blue posters on our stupid forums, the only difference is our forums are deader cause theyā€™re very blatantly secondary.

Did you look at the context of my comment? Its extremely hypocritical to post on a sock puppet avatar while saying reputation and server identity are non existent. While yes the comments may be the same but the consequences of it are not. Put your money where your mouth is plain and simple.

In this case itā€™d be literal money cause Iā€™d need to pay a sub to post here which Iā€™m not.

As I said, feel free to come say hi on the EU forums where I post the exact same opinion when thereā€™s activity there.

Even back in OG where we sat on IRC all day there were no repercussions for being a dweeb cause the vast majority of the player base simply just play their own game and donā€™t pay attention to any of this stuff cause they want to play a game, not look up everyone they interact with on a 3rd party site blacklist.

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You seriously believe server rep matters at all? Lmao. We just went over this in another thread with some guy talking about being falsely accused of something and doing a name change. Yeah there were consequences. He had to change his name. Wow. 99% of the time nobody does anything and ppl can act and do, however they want because servet rep is a bunch of bs. I have no clue who most of the players are on my server. There are so many players its not even possible.

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Lol, you do you, I could list dozens of names that have earned reputations on my server, good and bad, Your actions always have consequence whether your aware of it or not. 24 peeps last night got a good frustred laugh over a 5k hunter we pugged that got a snobold and ran to the wall and started jumping up and down. The confusion casued a wipe. He was only person not in disc , had to be told to summon his pet after we realized he hadnt used it in any of the fights, Believe me when I say that he wont be welcome in our raid community. He will however be an everlasting butt of our jokes.

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and if he realizes that he had a rep he would change his name and u would invite the same player with a new name. But he wonā€™t change his name. he will continue to get invited to raids. just not yours. I really like when someone has a reputation as a " known ninja" Why are they so well known? think about it. Because it doesnā€™t matter. they do the same thing over and over and thats how they become known. and then they get into another group, like they always have, and do it again. Server rep is stupid.


Scrubs will be scrubs regardless of names. Rep may not matter to you but it does to others. Lol grob slob talking about rep. Lol for a pvp server you guys have the biggest reputation i. The forums for complaining about lowbie ganking and not being able to do dungeons. LOL I transfered to Mankrik because of the cool peeps from mankrik I met in Bgs in classic. It was always the grob scrubs raging in chat that enlightened me to the type of player attracted to that server.

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Are you talking about server reputations or player reputations within a server? Either way they dont exist and its easy to just name change which there have been posts of people causing something and just name changing. You have to do something really egregious to end up on a list of any kind. People have more of a rep on these forums than anywhere else and guess what, you can just alt hop.

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why are you playing a game designed for social interaction and group play?

Iā€™m sorry but I canā€™t dignify ignorant and condescending questions like yours anymore.

Thereā€™s about a year left of Wrath. Just enjoy whatā€™s left of it. At this point, the damage is done.

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