The "hard mode" stuff has ruined Wrath Classic

It is unless you’re on a mega server. I’ve sat in queues for hours just to do a random heroic.

As a tank

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Yeah I think most people play classic because they want mindless wow, and for nostalgia, not so much for a challenge.


Go play retail.

Funny think about your retail…

If I wanted to access the hardest stuff available, there is no X-realm, automated queues that exist for them.

I’d still be in the exact same position I am right now; Your retail still behaves exactly like classic.


I was so hyped for Wrath. This was my peaked WoW experience (Okay well I REALLY enjoyed MoP) but all this moronic H++ nonsense has killed it for me. I was really looking forward to “No changes” what a let down. I got my pally to 80 and found there was nothing to do… like at all. There were no normal heroic groups running only that hot garbage H++. Devestated but I have stopped playing Wrath classic. I wasn’t an advocate for RFD but I am now. All those against it are plain wrong using the excuse that it kills server community… Please, you’re just gold farmers that sell those stupid GDKPT (I have no idea, i’ve never used those idiots that ruin that game) RFD will fix the GS gap. Or they use the excuse that it wasn’t in wrath at the beggining… NEITHER WAS H++ or the WOW TOKEN! Urhg getting annoyed typing this.
If you made it this far, well done! I am proud of you.
I probably wont be back to wrath. HC classic has been fun though.



oh the boycott is coming. They ruined wotlk with that stupid decision to not include RDF. I am going to play, finish ICC raiding and then quit and NEVER look back. All because of RDF not being in the game. And they will add it back for the next expansion and i don’t care. they will just ruin something else. They got me for wotlk, i won’t let it happen again.


They aren’t the same, regardless of what you think.

What I think is that your whole thought process is mired in ignorance and bad logic.

That’s what I think.

Show me where the RDF tool resides in Wrath, or Vanilla classic. How about mythics, show me where my keys are that I can push in Wrath classic.

I can’t gear my 4k Blood DK because he’s not geared enough for H++ and no groups will form for H+ or H.

I don’t think this is an RDF issue, as the population just isn’t there. I think we need to make badges/badge gear BoA. This way I could at least use my geared alts to gear up my fresh alts.

My server has 4300 people

Accountable for what actions? I don’t remember the last time I pugged a h++ or whatever and was like “oh i played with this guy before”. And most likely if I did I wouldn’t really care as I just want the daily done.
The only real difference between RDF and this is that I have to either sift through messages or /w whoever’s the group leader, so basically just inconvenience and nothing more.


Go play retail.

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If you recognize a jerk, you know who they are instantly. Or a guild to avoid. Be a d bag enough and your rep makes it hard to do stuff.

You people drive me nuts.

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Nobody types anything in the dungeons. At best people mention “take this cauldron” or “don’t stand in ice” and that’s about it. Maybe ask for food if there’s a mage around.
Hard to be a jerk at this level of interaction.
And as I’ve said, I don’t remember anyone I’ve ever pugged stuff with and I genuinely don’t care, I want my daily done so I can log off and play a more fun game until it’s raid time.


Lmao, as if this was ever a thing in WoW.

Yet you post on a sock puppet to hide behind, Server rep is a very big thing, especially in smaller circles.

You’re free to come say hi on the European forums where I post on my main, I aint paying for a sub to post on the US forums.

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So you come on to these forums and comment on something You have no experience talking about, try again, your on my turff so bring what got scrub

H++ adds things to do lol. This is just another whine post