The "hard mode" stuff has ruined Wrath Classic

Go back to private servers.

Out of guild groups are kicking folks out for not the exact gear score, or because they don’t like someone’s spec. The elitist are there.

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lol, ok then show me the evidence, show me the studies and tests, and the parameters that established controls and variables. Until you can educate me specifically and scientifically, Ill assume your just another loon wearing a tinfoil hat parroting some liberal Ai author pumping out eco-activism.

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Flat Earth, Microplastics, Tap water, The size of one’s brain. No one cares folks.

Let’s get back on track. Just how shiny is Thrall’s bald head?

there’s an alternate timeline where orcs have a good hairline and dont look like buff green asmon.

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Ive never even acknowledged the H+ or H++ unless a guildy needs a healer. RDF clearly should be in the game but daddy blizzard thinks they are right by not adding it. If someone could make a decent argument to them on how its not being PC and it looking bad to the public by it not being there we might actually get it. I feel they have sold out on not wanting it so much that they dont have the ability to admit maybe they should have added it. Im waiting to see how the RDF debate goes down with Cata for those that will play it. Im pretty sure cata was built around it.

I have always been pro no changes cus i knew stuff would happen with wrath. If they would have added RDF with the H+ and H++ systems they could have appeased a large portion of the player base. It seems to go the way it always does with blizzard giving something to one side and not the other. We should all be use to it by now. LOL

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what? you do realize you can quest and do battle grounds for exp right?

I can’t believe people are still defending no RDF as if it has any impact to the game beyond level 80 now with Titan rune dungeons and ToGC’s minimal barrier to entry. RDF is desiged to break up the monotony of pure single player questing from 1-80. People already have friends and guilds and we all play at different times. Being told to rely on those people to do dungeons with is an outdated argument because leveling alts is a play style and a lot of people don’t do that.


Really its the Ulduar item lvl buff that kind of did it. You walked into ToCG pretty much heroic geared for ToGC.

I don’t think people are defending “no RDF” and more of people not caring if it’s added or not. People in here are just giving you solutions… Find a guild to run with, make friends, start your own group, etc. Not having RDF hasn’t affected me since I either play a tank/healer or do good dps in dungeons and get invited back to do others.


They literally are though.


Imagine no HM stuff, game would be dead

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It seems like people complained about alpha dungeons so they made beta dungeons easier (maybe the names are telling).

Anyway, I’m a little of mixed opinion on this. The alpha dungeons felt (to me) like what I remember Heroic dungeons feeling like back in the day.

The new beta dungeons, people are saying are fun, but they are also quite easy. Is this pandering to the lowest common denominator going to lead to the same sort of things it has in Retail?

I guess time will tell. M+ in Retail seems to be the most popular content, but I wonder if that isn’t a side effect of the lack of meaningful reward for any content in Retail, really.

What meaningful rewards are in classic? Also how is more content " pandering to the lowest common denominator"?

Well, most likely a subjective opinion, but any item that you or others recognize by name.

In original classic content, this could be anything from Savage Gladiator Chain to Thunderfury, which obviously have a pretty large gap in difficulty of acquisition.

In Wrath Classic, there are some iconic items that people tend to know and would like to acquire.

Again, perhaps this is more of a subjective opinion than an objective observation, but having four tiers of the same item through Raid Finder, Normal, Heroic, Mythic or potentially unlimited tiers through Mythic Plus, greatly diminish the uniqueness, value or the name value and desirability of items, imo.

Well, you’re asking this in a general sense, so Raid Finder certainly comes to mind… when you just queue and get randomly assigned into groups to do content without any effort, the value of the rewards is diminished.

It’s actually the same principle as printing money diminishing the value of currency in circulation, even though you aren’t trading the BoP items. They are less unique.

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I can agree to some extent, but H+ and ++ has been somewhat enjoyable for me. It’d be better if RDF got involved for normal heroics though.

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Blizzard has said time and again that players do rise to the challenge, without LFR that group of people simply would not raid.

At the end of the say I guess I dont care what other players are doing, it does not impact me at all.

Just don’t do hard mode stuff, it’s optional. Isn’t that the main argument for RDF? You don’t have to use it if you don’t want to?

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Absolutely. I didn’t have the time to schedule more than one raid group a week so I just did the normal and heroic raids. Never used lfr. Why do the easier raids with lower quality loot when I could just raid with my guild. Lfr is just like rdf. You don’t have to use it if you don’t want to.


No one cares.