The "hard mode" stuff has ruined Wrath Classic

Boxed foods, canned foods, frozen foods.

Still tap water chief

if you put any adjective before the word “food” and “water”
guess what…?
it’s still food and water.

in other words it doesnt matter what you ingest,
it matter how MUCH.
and how well you burn it off.
thats health guys - focus now, dont eat a ridiculous amount of sugar and carbs
and you’ll do okay!
its really that simple…

So what? What is funny is you are showing that you were in fact insulting me based on nothing but some pseudo science.

The only thing that matters within anything you intake is how much of it, otherwise it poses no danger. You would have health concerns of drinking too much tap water before anything in it poses any danger to you.

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Lol, funny how 200yrs ago when everything was organic and plastic didnt exist that lifespans were about 60yrs vs 80 nowadays, hmm how bout them chollera and malaria outbreaks.

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You forgot avoid artificial sweetners at all costs,

rdf would be nice for leveling but honestly no one would use it at max level at this point except the bots and farmers

Not that I even know the context as I skipped down to the end when the discussion shifted to the charlatan Peterson, but the average life expectancy has been gradually declining the past 30 years, having peaked in the 80s, especially for men, most likely due to those plastics and all that other crap that only causes cancer in California, as well as high fructose corn syrup and sweeteners you referenced lol.

:joy::joy::joy::joy: oh my god. You are truly a shining beacon of ignorance

Its pseudo science along with crystal healing energy and 5g networks cooking your insides.

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Are you…actually insane?

Its very much real science, next you’re going to tell me fluoride is good in your water.

No, im not. What you are putting out is pseudo science. Anything and everything is actually bad for you, given the right amount.

Do you fly in planes? Do you breathe air? Do you go outside? You talking about drinking tap water is equivalent to doing any of that stuff. Saying stuff like having hormones in it and making people have gender identity issues… pure pseudo science garbage.

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its very much fact, next you’ll tell me the manhattan project didn’t have its science team break down into a team of researchers on fluoride to push its agenda as a good chemical. They had backing by the government and blocked all other research at the time into it. You claim pseudo science on anything that your government covers up thats a sad time.

What in the world are you talking about?

I get that on the flat earth you live on fluoride is used as a mind control drug but on the spherical earth it just makes your enamel harder and more resistant to cavities.


The main reasons for life expectancy declining in men is overdose, gun-related homicide and suicide, teen suicide, motor vehicle crashes, diabetes and heart disease. The high fructose corn syrup is a large factor in diabetes and heart disease. As for the rest it’s mostly tied to increased high risk behavior by mostly young men. If you understand how life expectancy is calculated you know that death of young people affects life expectancy more than the death of the elderly.

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Think your tinfoil hat is a little tight. Science is evidence based conclusions arrived at through controlled testing and experimentation. Not assumptions drawn from correlative association.

I’d argue normal heroics too at this point.

Nobody wants normal heroics anymore.

You could have simply said, “I googled a Harvard study.” Pro RDF or Anti RDF, one thing’s for certain - the WoW player base has no shortage of condescending pseudo intellectuals. If you knew how replies work, you would know I was directly addressing the comment that life expectancy has been steadily on the rise. Please, continue your asinine argument that has completely derailed the topic, bunch of peacocks.

The answer was straight forward and unemotional. Not condescending at all. You should probably see a therapist for some anger management help. Frankly I was surprised at your outburst. I expected that by now you would be used to being corrected for your obvious errors.

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Think you may want to educate yourself a bit