The "hard mode" stuff has ruined Wrath Classic

Of course you can. Others with a far greater claim to be a leader have confirmed they have abandoned the abomination. If you are there you’re a both coward by not admitting it and a sheep for still maintaining your presence here too. All the while sticking your nose up in the air claiming to be above the common folk and some sort of leader. Albeit without any followers.

Thats against ToS my little peasant sheep

Oh I see. You’re the type of leader that meticulously knuckles under blizzard’s ToS even when it’s rarely enforced. I guess that makes me the kind of sheep that doesn’t give an ef about blizzard’s rules and gets a few suspension a year to prove it. But you just keep knuckling under like a good little leader. /pats your head That’ll convince every one of your leadership claims.

One more suspension and its going to be perma again. I only recently was unbanned after a 1000 year ban :slight_smile:

You keep on trying though

I’m sure eventually you’ll actually say something that affects me enough to react.

Probably not though actually.

Yeah, I know. That’s exactly how I feel. But don’t let my laughing stop you. Cry more please.

Hey, is this you with all your followers?

No the very foundation of classic was to get access to versions of the game that people no longer had access to.

didnt read a single sentence or something?

Vanilla gameplay is also garbage, if you want to play that then go back to it.

Also if you are against retail systems then where were you advocating against mythic +… i mean titan rune dungeons? That is a retail system,if you want to play retail go play it.

Feel free to check my post history and read all the hate I have for titan runes and m+

honestly, you are an embarrassment

Yeah, I mean like jeez, doesn’t he know you’re the leader? Good job though, you really put him in his place. That’s showing your leadership qualities! I’m sure people are flocking to stand under your banner now.

Why would I look at your post history when it is filled with just insults? Like… seriously. Again people like you should be perma banned, even from playing the game.

Why would you fact check before you spew ignorance on the forums? Hmm

i don’t think wow being “hard or easy” can Ruin it, tons of people used to enjoy this game 18years ago when they failed to progress in raids because lack of “knowledge/addons/gear/optimize/proper pc’s…etc” yet game was shining!

what truly killed classic is the real money trades!

and the reason gdkp/tickets took over classic with great success because when it involve real money then everyone will be serious, however the GDKP can’t be considered good or bad but it has too many side effects like…
-it eliminated the old random pugging atmosphere
-it make people not interested in forming or joining guilds.
-it made mindless players obtain gear so now you meet 5k gs players who don’t even know how to play.
-it insanely promote gold buying / selling and bots swarm the game to destroy the economy.

i know that some people will say gdkp/ticket is not to blame for the RMT! and blizz should ban rmt, i agree on that but we all know that gdkp/tickets is the real reason behind rmt in the first place, if blizzard would ban rmt more than half the gdkp’s would vanish because they’re based on or involved with rmt.

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Because of your actions tell me everything I need to know about what you say… nothing of importance. Its just insults.

A post I can agree with

and your posts tell me you’re a tap water drinker with sensitive skin and not a single intelligent thought in your head.

A tap water drinker? What does that even supposed to mean? You are the one with thin skin, what are you so threatened of? Dont like people pointing out the kind of person you are or something and try to hide behind insults trying to act all macho which isnt fooling anyone? Is that what you are trying to do?

Or are you just trying to get perma banned because you cant control yourself to not just get off the forums?

Nothing i’ve said is agains the ToS chief.

Look up how bad tap water is and the effects it has on the brain.

Thats against the ToS,

Thats against the ToS

Kind of shows that you dont know what is in the ToS if you are getting banned so much.

Against the ToS,

Against the ToS

Against the ToS

Against the ToS

Want to continue to lie or do you just want to walk away?


Feel free to keep proving how soft you are bb

this post had me laughing so hard. i got a suspension for putting a * in place of the letters when i was swearing. learned the tos the hard way.

Says the person insulting others, with weak insults like “tap water drinker” still dont know where the insult is in there.