The "hard mode" stuff has ruined Wrath Classic


we are watching the game true fans of the original game begged to have, went to illegal means to enjoy and after finally getting it. Watching it all burn down from the idiocy of people who think its not fun and needs retail features and people who run it adding them and cash shop features to milk it. Chasing away the very people who inspired them to do it in the first place.

Yeah, you know I am a bit mad rn

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How did you survive the last 4 years?

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I know some people think that but the foundation of classic for me was to recreate the game as authentic as possible. They even said, “warts and all” when it was released. Now we got this bizarre mixture of vanilla and retail with a major system of original wrath removed and a retail system added to replace it.

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because of people coming to the game that didn’t actually like it, asking for changes on the forums and once again killing the game for the people who begged to have it return.

classic era was made for its own audience, not all audiences

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Bye Felicia

I don’t think that’s why people wanted rdf removed from wrath and a retail system added to replace it. I think those against rdf never wanted an authentic creation of the original game and expansions. What they always wanted was all the changes I want and none of the changes you want. Well you got the change you want and now you’re getting some changes other people want. And I’m lmao about it. You deserve to have the token added to this game.

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The core philosphy of classic when it was announced was a purer recreation of the game people who OBVIOUSLY liked it asked for. Less systems like LFR, RDF, Cash Shops, etc

Then the retail players attacked.

Now, its a abomination of a game. Once TBC hit, store mounts, level boosts, 6 month sub mounts, pets, toys. Blizzard saw it was popular, very popular. They got greed in their eyes and whiny retail players in their ears.

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So that’s what they meant when they said as authentic a recreation as possible “warts and all” ?

No, then people like you attacked and started this slide to an abomination of a game. You’re either no changes or some changes and when you shill for blizzard when they make a change you want you deserve it when you get a change someone else wants that you hate. Suck it up or quit.


You sound like such a salty little child

“i’m unhappy so everyone should be unhappy because hahahahaha”

you are a vomit tier human lmao

This game mode wasn’t even made for you and here you are thinking you deserve a voice on it

That’s what I think you sound like. You were for some changes and now that you got it all you do is whine whine whine. Suck it up or quit.

With all your crying it’s clear classic wasn’t made for you either. I was here when blizzard released this game and vanilla, BC, and wrath was what I wanted to replay. So exactly who do you think this game was made for if not the people who played the original trilogy.

The private server players

Sorry no. Blizzard continued classic with no progression vanilla servers then SoM for the private server players. Private server players told blizzard that they wanted to just play vanilla forever or to restart vanilla over and over and over again. Just like what they did on the private servers. Blizzard gave you the private server option and most of you rejected it. You know, I was never a private server thief but I believed you all when you told me that Classic era was what you wanted and that SoM was what you wanted because that’s what you did when you had private servers. I knew I was going to move on to BC and wrath but thought Era and SoM would be as popular as the private server players claimed. Well both blizzard and I realized that you were all full of chit and that’s why there was no BC era servers or BC SoM.

There are more than 25k Cthun kills during classic, the raid people would consider far easier than 40naxx. Which has over 12k kills btw

Abberus, the current raid. On Normal has 11k, heroic has 7k and mythic has 142.

Now lets go to WOTLK

3680 have full cleared Ulduar, with about 300 or so in varying levels of progression.

Lets go back to Naxx. Naxx has 26k in wotlk

Lets go to TBC.

23k for BT

17k for Sunwell.

Pretty obvious classic WoW had more raiders than retail, and a larger playerbase.
This is why the shop came, the token came and everything else.

Blizzard had the golden goose and continually shot it with bullets

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And you shilled for them some of the time they did it. Just admit it, your position always was all the changes I want and none of the changes any one else wants. Instead you got some changes some people want. Now you’re crying like a little baby that you didn’t get only the stuff you wanted. Your whole whine is that other people got something they wanted too. Suck it up or quit.

Good time to quit will be when wotlk is over anyway. I dont think most “Classic” people will care enough to go to Cata anyway.

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Theres a difference between good changes supported by people WHO KNOW whats good for the game and the common sheeple who ask for things.

There are leaders and there are sheep

If you are truly a “vanilla player”

You should know all the things these sheeple are asking for will lead to retail once again.

Yeah, that’s how you see yourself. Standing above the hoi polloi as some omniscient holy avatar. I see you as just another greedy little child screaming I want what I want and I don’t want anyone else to get anything they want.

Well who followed you? You’re clearly not a leader since you’re so unhappy that the game hasn’t gone where you wanted it to. So you must be a sheep.

Thats why you are a person undeserving of a opinion on things

Look at all the new Prealms that just popped up with 15k pops. Thats where they went.

Abandoned the abomination that is blizzards judgement

But you’re still here. So you’re clearly not the leader of those who abandoned the abomination. So again by your own standards you must be a sheep.

I can’t confirm or deny if i’m there actually.