The Great Libram of Ret Feedback

Same here. Earlier I had seriously prioritized Crit over Haste and man, did it feel bad when waiting on the cd’s of my abilities, especially when fighting certain bosses. I would literally stare at my screen at times saying “come on, come on” in frustration.

Switched up with socketed gems to get a few points of Haste and man, you can see the difference.

So, it’s not just you.

This just shows me that all the Secondary stats are important (with the exception of Versatility) to one degree or another.

Just my take…


It’s a valid take. It also makes me wonder how WOWhead prioritized their stat spread. Yes it seems difficult to increase haste % over others but it’s not like things really Crit THAT often at the going rate. Personally I don’t fret it now or go out of my way to replace things like I used to.

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This is where learning to sim properly comes in really, really handy. As you can make comparisons between ST vs Cleave vs haste heavy vs crit heavy

You don’t get to see the raw number of dps per point stat point on wowhead. If you sim gear for yourself you start to see the impacts and the difference, I found, isn’t impactful on my overall performance to prioritize crit/mastery over haste. I do slightly less dps than someone running full crit/mastery on everything and well within’ the margin of overtaking them on the meters still on skill.


This is about the same thing I found. The stat points say the increase is there but that’s an ideal situation with 100% uptime which mechanics don’t entirely allow anyway. Personally the shorter CDs add a little more fluidity. With it being this late in the season I think I’m going to pass up on crafting the crit/mastery pieces to replace my haste ones unless it looks like I’m going to waste the crests before season 2. It’s just not worth the exchange to me.

Old phrase that fastest car is only about as good as the driver.

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This right here.

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This here. Besides you can always just stratagize on your own abilities when it comes to playing this class. The fact that stat weights don’t hinder dps too much on secondary stats allows the player to more fluidly make their toon play how they want and can do.

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Exactly. While I do think the overall spec needs some fine tuning jolts here and there I feel like ret is in a solid place. Blizzard really did get a win with it this time around. Now if they could do that with the warrior community so they’d stop clogging our board that would be fantastic but I digress.

Also the 30% hammer nerf and the 5% overall buff leads me to believe that haste might be a better stat in season 2 than it is now.

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Not to complain, but all that damage should have been put into spenders instead to make our next set bonus not turbo trash.

That’s actually a great point…

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I don’t think it’s turbo trash when HP spenders include TV and DS. It’s not “nice” by any means but I don’t think it makes it garbage. I see the frustration, though.

begging your guys to sim your options, cause i legit dont know what ive just read, radiant decree might is 5% behind crusade and the gap gets wider with stronger gear

Simming was already mentioned multiple times in this discussion. They are already aware of the simming numbers.

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Depends, because that 5% also effects crit builds positively. Heart of the crusader would benefit the most from it.


True. I know blizzard has already leaned away from haste being a stat ret paladins need but the CD gap and CS being auto attack makes the rotation feel clunky at times. The numbers are fine but the downtime if things don’t proc is weird. Maybe I’m hoping to fill a gap that doesn’t necessarily need it.

You read our opinions.

We know. Again, simming gives DPS of ideal situations that aren’t always possible. This was also covered as well. You’re right and we acknowledged that was fact when we talked about it.



This again.


That is why cssa is an option with base cs/ts (mostly it uses ts due to taking heart of the crusader boossting the DoT damage from the crits). Crit builds uses ts to fill in the gap. It also has different piority on the rotation.

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