The game is pretty balanced, thank you blizz

Heard an interesting outburst from my mage when q’ing RMP yesterday: “The game is just figuring out which target to go on and what talents to take”, because he was annoyed that going the right target later in the game, not from the start, probably made us lose. Which, come to think of it, means that the game is pretty balanced.

Not “The game is just playing one of three meta comps” or “The game is just rng who gets a proc” or “The game is just rng who you meet on ladder”.

There’s so many degrees of freedom of strategy/talents to take, and it does feel that individual changes can swing the win-rate in a match from 40% to 60%, which means that it was really close to begin with, or small changes wouldn’t make such a difference.

So, thank you blizz. Somehow despite all the crazy stuff you threw in this season, I’m actually having fun and feel rewarded for getting better rather than being held back by gear or hard counters.

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This is a troll post right?


RMX privilege is real :sleepy::sleepy::sleepy:


Yeah can u imagine playing the COMPLETELY C TIER ARMS WARRIOR IN THIS META WITH NO SELFHEALS :japanese_goblin::japanese_goblin::japanese_goblin::japanese_goblin::japanese_goblin:


cdew said dh is C tier so now dh is C tier too :mechanical_arm: :man_bald: :+1:


0/10 not even funny


Yes and good mages don’t even play greater pyro… :man_facepalming:

Xaryu said good mages don’t take Gpyro and then showed numerous proofs to his claim where he fought RMX mirrors and didn’t take it.

Then I watched the AWC and watched mages better than him taken Gpyro. I guess they’re all bad then.


Xaryu is just fried lmao. One of those weights hes been picking up and putting down recently had probably landed on his head…

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I almost responded with a serious comment, but then I realized, no one can be that stoopid