The game is not dying , it is dead!

How come I didn’t get to die? :frowning:


I don’t know. But I just made a Death Knight, and I roll Blood because I do what I want. And, I’m having more fun than I know what to do with.

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Well this realm for certain isn’t dead. So many things happening like last two nights the Horde Cultural Festival it was a success in my opinion. I could go on and on but that would be wasting time for someone who hasn’t seen all that goes on on this realm.



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Ah, remember the good old times when people were still running old-content LFRs during a new expansion before Blizz killed the game in BFA?

Me neither.


You’re an orc, your entire race has plot armor.


yeah i keep dying doing content pls fix this


ok we all know retail will die and classicbros will :fist::fist::fist::fist::fist: RISE UP :fist::fist::fist::fist::fist: and become the most played of the two

but lowkey the real question we gotta ask is whose gonna be tanking as prot paladin in vanilla real talk :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:


Praise Hananja.

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Sister elf, I assure you I’m with you. I’m done with denying the truth Blizzard and the WRA players are keeping from us!

Azeroth is flat! Lizard people control the Horde and especially the Alliance! Sylvannas didn’t do Teldrassil, it was an inside job! Thrall never landed on Kalimdor, it was a hoax to divert funding to the Horde war machine! The Light doesn’t heal, but it does cause (unnamed mental issue to avoid being reported) in young children!! Gul’dan didn’t kill Varian, there was a warlock shooter on a mosshide gnoll!! Jaina’s a void lord dreadlord!! Vol’jin faked his death and is living as a lounge singer in Shattrath!! Azeroth is hollow and a race of squidgoat people secretly control everything!!

I’m not living in denial any longer, elf sister.


Bideo gam ded!


You forgot to mention how Howling Fjord and Pandaria don’t exist!


Hah! I’m not gonna fall for your ancient Pandarian mysticism. Everyone knows Howling Fjords and Pandaria are real. But false flaggers like you try and make people like me seem paranoid about the underground Alliance bunkers hidden beneath Pandaria and the dimentional ships the Horde are reverse engineering in hidden bases in Howling Fjords. All to misdirect us from the truth that Magni’s hiding from us; that Azeroth isn’t dying and it’s all a ploy by the orc politician Allgore to make us go Azerite Neutral through an elaborate goblin Fonzi Scheme.

I cannot be so easily tricked, good sir and/or madam and/or Sethrak Overlord Beast.

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Didn’t he want to put Darnassus in a magical lock box? We got Sylvanas instead.

Was that so he could have a way to put Teldrassil on the windowsill?