Killed Seismodor a few moments ago, no credit on the achievement
Same, just killed “Seismodor, Earth’s Wrath” and got no credit
I just ran into this issue myself and I found on wowhead this little bit of info: “For Seismodor, Earth’s Wrath you do not want to DPS him down too fast - He will only grant credit for the Achievement if allowed to split into Seis and Modor.”
So until blizzard lets us just get the achievement off the kill as the one mob then the random 2 people in the place will always destroy it too quickly.
Looking back this is exactly what happened. I got credit last week when there were only like 4 of us in the zone (unfun to get the portals to all stay inactive btw) and he split.
Come on Blizz. You give us all these metas knowing that people are way overgeared for a lot of the crap we didn’t do in the half patches, but still restrict this? How am I supposed to communicate that cross faction with randos in an event?
Fix this, Blizzard. Ridiculous that you’re still stuck at the mercy of hoping others understand that you have to let him transform, especially since the event can’t be soloed due to the dumb “take back the portals” mechanic.
When I looked up this issue on the in-game tool, Blizzard says the issue “has been fixed.”
This is very clearly not the case, just happened to me today.
I’ll apologize for this necro because it’s an over 2+ month old Necro, but Blizzard needs to fix this. Nobody should be held to begging people to take their dps slow on 1/3 bosses just to finish an achievement. This is a known and frequently reported issue, and yet we have them changing Pandaria raids to 1 day lockouts. Fix the current stuff that matters so people aren’t sitting up for hours and getting screwed for things they cannot help.
Still broken. I couldn’t even ask people to slow down DPS since they were all Horde…
Still broken, had this happen to me on two seperate kills, and the GMs answer is “stop going too fast”
I put in a ticket about not getting credit and I was just given an AI response pretty much saying “You gotta kill the split mobs”
Still bugged, cant complete archievement, killed Seismodor 2 times
Please fix this! I went in warmode and I was the only one, so yeah, I could have gotten the achievement by killing it slowly, BUT YOU CAN’T SPAWN THE BOSS SOLO!!!
Make the credit count without the split mobs! OR make it possible to spawn the boss solo!