The Future of World Buffs in Classic Era

I recommend people watch the world first KT kill and look at the buffs they have.

What did they do?

They stacked world buffs

Exploiting the game mechanics in order to be the world first.


Is this an April Fool’s joke?

Yeah, WoW wasn’t tuned for min/maxers until recently. I personally HATE meta gaming (again, I’m a ret paladin in T1.) If I raid, I’ll show up in time with my equipment repaired, basic consumables. If I happen to get a world buff because I was at the right place at the right time, cool. If I lose it? Oh well… It’s gone. However, if others feel they need to min/max, go nuts. Just don’t be a jerk about it.


So can we get an ETA on this? Seriously, the PTR patch has been on hiatus for a lifetime now…

I think Classic would be much better without World Buffs .


Since we’re “fixing” world buffs, how about reverting to the original longevity of said buffs, which lasted through death?

That would be a most welcome restoration of an original game feature

My hope is that they progress to TBC since i will stay in Classic Era realms, most of them are bored and probably got everything they want already.

I like to play games in my own pace, no rush, no crazy metas. I dont feel the need of having new content to keep playing, actually is good to know that it have an end and that if i work hard and put my hands on a good piece of gear it wont be replaced by a regular item in the next patch/expansion.

Classic Vanilla has content to keep me interest for a long time.


There is nothing wrong with you wanting to play your meme spec and run around in T1. However you just have to realize you will be essentially carried through all content including MC, especially if your using T1 which is awful for every paladin specs and especially bad for ret, a mix of dungeon blues would be better.

That said there are a lot of GDKP raids as well as a lot of pug raids that run MS/OS which allow people to tag along, and on my server at least for MC, ZG, AQ20 pretty any class/spec is allowed. For harder content like AQ40 and especially Naxx you would probably be to large of a handicap, and most of those would start having some requirements around specs and classes.

With TBC coming out soon, I’m not at all interested in sweating out gear that’ll be replaced. I’ll enjoy the upgrades as they come through questing to 70.

I had to take a year off right around the time BWL hit. No sense trying to catch up now.

What? That wasn’t a thing?

Right? I sure don’t remember that.

Buffs lasting through death are a modern invention.

I think.

I mean, you have to reaply your tacking spell after death even.

Geez release this patch already its been on ptr for ages. Can we please start moving forward to tbc it’s pretty depressing to think that we still have this thing and the prepatch before tbc. It’s hard to believe that we’ll have more time in naxx now than we had 15 years ago seeing that classic is dead and every guild have already killed KT at least 20 times.

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Bro, the prepatch gonna drop and its gonna be fun for like a week at best

The balance of the prepatch is terrible. Its not fun to be 60 and have tbc talents. just like it wasnt fun to be 70 and have wotlk talents.

Ppl crying for pre patch. Its gonna suck majorly because its just bad.

Who is crying for prepatch i want tbc already.

wbs did last through death originally. not others, but wbs. Pots and other applied buffs that last through death came later

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It’s like Blizzard thought of the worst possible solution to a stale WB meta and went with it.
Buffs going out every 2hours or removing them completely would have been FAR better solutions than this. Also… Whole game already revolves around goldsellers thanks to Blizz doing nothing about botting… hmm let’s price it at 10g PER CHRONO so people have to really buy gold if they wanna make proper use of it(as well as taking many hours to get the buffs)

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Any reason why the Traces of Silithyst buff (5% Melee and Spell damage) does not get captured by the Chronoboon Displacer?

Is it just because you forgot the buff exists? It is DMF lite after all and if DMF is captured so should this buff.

Flasks during TBC persisted through death.

We’ve been wanting to do something about that side-effect

So what happens when 90% of the player base goes to TBC, and the other 10 stay classic… will they eventually just run out of buffs? or its it gunna be one of those things where players have to level to 60 get the head and then sell the buff to the highest bidder…