The Future of World Buffs in Classic Era

And yet you have no counterargument.

Interesting :slight_smile:

Can we stop asking how we can make the game easier and start asking how we can make it more balanced, which includes more often than not, making it more DIFFICULT? AQ40 and below can be easily done without world buffs and anyone thats done Naxx progress knows that anything up to Saph can be done without them as well. Saph himself CAN be done without world buffs, but is very difficult, which is exactly the point, hes one of the LAST BOSSES IN THE GAME. Not everyone is just meant to roll over it. There shouldnt be any argument of people saying “if its not easily farmable, then its too hard!”.

That being said, the simplest, least disrupting and easiest to implement change would be to just remove the Cooldown on Ony/Rend buffs and just remove the SF CD, but just make it go corrupted after 1 use. This would allow guilds to easily institute their own buff rotations, get DMT buffs, port to Org/SW, get buffs, fly/run to island, port to Darn/Org, fly to Felwood together, hearth to lights hope, whole raid gets it done in 15 mins.

If world buffs are no longer available, I don’t consider it a problem.

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It’s a welcome change even if it’s too late.
How you can you rationalize this change to ‘authenticity’ with the justification that was made for the absurd change to drums?

Not sure if this was posted above. I did not read every single response.

Can you make an option where we can do the raid without world buffs???

That’s the direction we intend to go in Burning Crusade Classic. In Burning Crusade Classic we intend to have world buffs removed at the start of raid encounters.

I realize that’s not exactly what you’re asking for, but I did want to clarify that our intent is to preserve the World Buffs in Classic Era, while moving away from World Buffs in Burning Crusade Classic.

I hope that clarifies things for you!
This is NOT an April Fools joke. The proximity to April 1st is an unfortunate coincidence.

I’m just a software engineer; they don’t trust me with humor.

This is from wowhead

Bro it’s literally on PTR right now. If this is an april fool’s joke they really went overboard trying to sell it.

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well this will be interesting to say the least, I just wonder if people wont let you join raid without the buffs saved.

Problem is it doesn’t feel good being smoked on the meters because you don’t have buffs.

I’m also not all about meters, but I’d like to know how my rotation was and if i played the encounter well. World buffs pretty much make that impossible unless we all have everything… very unlikely everyone will have none of them.

Haha good april fools joke
checks date

But… But… But, my parses!

It was pretty clear from his post.

Thank you Pazorax!

The WB meta didn’t burn people out on raiding, raiding burnt people out on raiding.



Watching buffs get dispelled is hilarious.

If there were no world buffs allowed in Naxxramas, literally only the higher end guilds would be able to complete the content. The world buff stuff is literally just to help the less sweaty guilds. The sweaties will do it, but it will take more time, OR just NOT raid anymore. The lower guilds will try to do it, wastes thousands in consumes, and probably NOT raid anymore after they struggle too much.

This is the best case scenario answer they could have come up with. However, it really should have been done months ago at the very least.

The ANSWER is not to completely make World Buffs crap in raids as you would mention. Yes, they can easily do that, they already do that for other things, but again, not really the answer here.

I get that TBC around the corner and they doing it for TBC but not here, but the problem is… They have the ability to balance or see what its like for TBC without world buffs from the beginning knowing what it did in Classic. So the pre-tuned or post-tuned bosses can be monitored and see what feels right for TBC.

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So will these work for Hellscream’s warsong for horde in TBC?

This seems like a good change, but I’m a little concerned about how this affects the meta. They need to make each world buff only saveable ONCE, or this becomes the new meta:

  1. Go to Crossroads. Get MCed by a horde priest, get the Warchief’s Blessing, store buffs. Wait for 1 hour.
  2. Go to DMT. Activate your buffs, get DMT, then store buffs and go to Yojamba isle. Wait for 1 hour.
  3. When heart starts dropping, activate your buffs, get heart, then store buffs. Wait for 1 hour.
  4. Go to Felwood. Just before clicking on the songflower, activate buffs, then get song flower, then store buffs. Wait for 1 hour.
  5. Go to Silithus for the Silithyst buff. Just before you get the Silithyst buff, activate your other buffs, then get the Silithyst buff, then store buffs. Wait for 1 hour.
  6. Go to DMF. Activate buffs, get DMF, store buffs. Wait for 1 hour.
  7. Go to Stormwind. Activate buffs when head starts dropping, get ony buff, store buffs. Go to raid.

This is an EVEN MORE annoying meta than the current one.
What they need to do is make restored buffs unsaveable. Basically, the Supercharged Cronoboon Displacer should only give you a “Restored Rallying Cry of the Dragonslayer”, and the Restored Rallying Cry of the Dragonslayer cannot be re-saved by the Cronoboon Displacer.

An alternate way to eliminate this annoying meta is to make it so that both saving AND restoring buffs with the Chronoboon Displacer puts it on a 1 hour cooldown that ONLY ticks if you’re online.


Stop spamming unless you are trying to catch a ban. You asked. Let it go. This isn’t even the correct forum for that question. Go over to the TBC forum and ask there.

All these world buff haters have the option of eliminating the buffs by simply causing a raid wipe on the first pull. But none of them have the guts to do it. Instead they need blizzard to do it for them. Pathetic.

Not really. PvE players still have the problem of not being able to play after getting buffs. There’s more than just dispelling at play.