The future of Mounts and Flying in WoW

“A big push was to make the experience of moving around the world feel more three dimensional,” Jeremy continues. “That idea of conservation of momentum, of caring about when you stop, because you don’t want to stop, you want to keep going fast. How do I get from A to B as fast as possible? Finding those different spires to jump off of becomes an interesting thing to look for as you’re traversing the world.”

I read Jeremy Feasel’s interview with Ausgamers and just have to gush about what’s been said on flying. I’m super happy that it’s a very active process, something that requires your attention and something that rewards your skill in flying. I wrote about this in another thread:

… and they’ve gone and made it much better than just flapping your wings! Momentum, physics, reading your environment… this is how you fix flying. I’m really hoping the Dragon Isles is going to be designed with this in mind, too, because fixing the process of flying is half the job - level design is also important!

I really hope this standard of movement is going to go forward into the future as well, and I hope we’re going to get to do this in old zones as well - and doing it with old mounts, too. Perhaps they get separate types of flying, going back to the suggestion of mount types having different means of flying… but that’s probably a bit too far into the future to really start talking about :>