The future is_____

Unknown… DF could be great, but the faith in Blizzard as a company… is pretty non-existent at this point.

only its going to be a copy of their tooshies…had to do pg version because we living in the times of the sensitives :metal:

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Meant watch Netflix instead of playing wow lol

Emerald Dream. That was the next biggest thing after Dragon Isles I can recall. Since all the big ideas would be spent at that point, they may look at overhauling old zones and putting new content into them.



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lies screw gw2 flying and i will never stop fighting against it. the messing with flying was the last thing wow needed in an already dwindling playerbase. many people have wasted yrs getting some of these mounts and i will fight to keep using these mounts with no gw2 flying pass on that garbage btw i hate gw2 but not wow.

All hail the mighty cheese

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GW2 is pretty casual, would be nice to have a feature that could draw in the casual players and actually increase the playerbase.

Make as much money as possible with as little effort as possible is the new Blizzard standard. Gonna take quite a bit to change my mind at this point.

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I have been told that the future is female.

Grim. For in the grim darkness of the far future



I remember seeing a UK series dead pixels it was called I think.

I feel like they showed perfectly how MMO progression goes and WoW I feel will lean heavily into mobile, big monetization, store stuff.

I see what comes after wrath classic, is “wow done right.” With new expansions, races, and classes that differ from retail.

I think they wont do cataclysm, theyll keep the original world as is. They’ll find a way to still add Goblins and Worgen but with different lore as to how and why.

Probably not add so many different class/ race combos that didnt fit the original lore such and nelf and orc mages and paladin & priest tauren and troll druids.

Maybe add forsaken paladin to compensate for less horde paladins. Since Sir Zeliek was more pre-existing lore then anything tauren ever had. Plus Self-flagellation is kind of a neat thing to explore for Forsaken Paladins.

Instead of doing ten more levels, maybe just 5, and expand the wrath talent trees a few more points.

Having Garrosh do an iron horde expansion would still be neat, minus everything pandaria related. Mist of Pandaria was a massive removal from traditional wow and just helped the decline after cata shook the game so much.

Instead of pandas… Ogres for the horde, since that fits the iron horde better and Stillpine Furbolgs for Alliance. Which is still a bear, but one much more anchored into wow lore.

Replace Monk with Runemaster.

Put the southern isles where Pandaria woulda been.

No warlords alternate time line.

Still bring in demon hunter class.

Instead of HMT do Taunka.
Instead of Voidelves do Silver Covenant High Elves.
Instead of Zandalari Trolls, do Revantusk Forest Trolls.
Probably still add Mag’har, Kul’tirans, and mecha gnomes. Probably do Wildhammer better justice and frostborne dwarves instead of dark irons.
Nightborne never added.
Vulpera never added.
Maybe add The Broken.

Then the dragon class/ race would just be picking any existing race but adding draconic features like horns, sails, claws, scales, etc. With a flying/ mount form as a chromatic drake. Three specs ruby flame healing, black earthen tanking, and bow dps emerald using sleeps, poisons, acids, dreams and taming small dragonkin since hunter cant, currently.

Never level squish.
Keeping twinking, dont let heirlooms replace twinking gear.



I am thankful to be able to sit around and play WoW still.

Current flying is boring, as Ion put it we’re literally just swimming in the air. At least with Dragon Riding there’s a chance that it can be fun and engaging, they can add in actual content around it instead of ignoring it like they have been since introducing flight. That’s up to Blizz to do that though or it will just be a gimmick.

There’s also nothing preventing them from implementing the mechanics and animations to older mounts that we already have so those won’t feel wasted.

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Pay to win

Very little war.
Very little crafting.

Lots of Token Sales and Boosting though.

So, not that great of a future.

I have an inside source that informed me that wow will only be playable on an Apple Watch in the future.

In order to log in you have to run at least 10 laps and do 20 push-ups.

now old man.