The Fractures in Time Content Update is Now Live!

It’s in a bubble of text and a small quest that in the end says, “Because I felt like it.”


Can’t wait to ignore that upcoming patch like how I’ve ignored the rest of DF since mid December.

The game is meaningless worthless trash timegate and systems/currency item overload. Remove raid lockouts and vault. Full stop it’s not worth it or meaningful to proc timgate. timegate is not progress, actual grinding and learning content is.

TBH this is wasted breath as I don’t think they care at all. They just wanna troll people for engagement metrics but at the same time do not care that same troll tactic of their makes it feel empty and worthless to care about. It is NOT worth it to deal with people over cheesed timegate or sitting around for timegate. Let me grind the content, stop slapping me with lockouts and waiting on weeklies. This is why I’ve been doing legion/bfa/sl instead of DF the past half year.

Hopefully all the issues we’ve been experiencing this week are fixed by then. Would hate to encounter an over-tuned loading screen boss trying to get into the mega-dung for the first time!

Just unsubscribe? You’re asking for something that will never, or should ever, happen.

Love when people seem to think an expansion will change the very foundations of the game.

That’s fine if they want to tank their game to record low numbers because they want to double down on their low effort timegate shticks.

At this point though I don’t think they care. They just design for metrics upper management wants to see.

IMO there are still ways to rate limit people with depreciating returns if they outpace a timetable, without hard trolling them with weekly lockouts or loot limits.

People have realized there’s no prestige in saying you procced the timegate, so the desire for the community to still play has gone down the tubes. Making it easier won’t fix that either, people just will ask why even bother. It needs to go back to a dirt simple grind. They’ve squeezed out their figurative engagement metric timegate cow.

Raid lockouts is not what people mean when they refer to time-gating.
Raid lockouts have been in this game since the beginning. Why do you attribute it to a DF issue?

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Just because it’s been a thing doesn’t mean it’s a good thing or ok.

It completely trashes raiding and makes it easy to ignore.

Well considering a bunch of people can’t even get logged in now, maybe it’s a good thing they waited.

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Do we know what the gear level for the mega dungeon is going to be?

Raid lockouts isn’t the issue here… Think of it like a giant puzzle you are trying to solve. You wouldn’t want to try to redo it from the start every single day, would you? The time gating and currency lockouts, there’s the issue, especially for the casual bunch! I am stuck at 424 because I need the currency from H Raids in order to purchase higher level gear OR start trying to play RATED pvp to raise up that gear. That feels defeating and unjust. It was stated that ALL players were suppose to go as high as they want to with NO limits. Well, that has proven to be untrue. If Ian is going to make such claims, then drop the gating all together. Putting a limit on the gameplay, regardless of which part to play, makes the game feel like a job instead of a game. I should be able to purchase the Heroic gear currency with my lower (A lot of them, to be fair) currency and still get the higher level stuff as if I was on a H Raid weekly team. But in return, I would put the work into the grind to gain the said currency. As a semi-raiding player, after I hit my apparent roof, I just stop playing until next patch or expansion, if the timeframe is more than a month, then I cancel until next patch. I hated Shadowlands so I finished the lore bits, got the mounts and toys I wanted then POOF… Cancel game until DF. Rinse, Repeat. WoW has definately turned into a hardcore grinders game with little reward and its just not worth the stress anymore.

@Blizzard I’m really annoyed by the fact we loose the XP buff at the same time you give us a new class unlock. What sense does that make? Perfect time to speed level something and we get slowed down? Makes no sense at all. Bad call.

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why do warlocks always get so much.

I don’t understand this game much but I am trying to enjoy it. I’m a vanilla player not sure about the terms and it is very different. I have been able to find things that do make it fun, but also it does seem overwhelming as someone who has played that the game seems to be simplified but to me, isn’t?

I never post in any forums it’s been so long, but this expansion to me at least kind of hints at some old raid bosses leaking into the timeline as events? Maybe I got that wrong.

Since I never post on these forums I’d like to air a gripe that I feel really takes a lot of the gaming experience away from me.

PvP servers not being a thing, I haven’t experienced the battlegrounds to see if it has changed and made world PvP not necessary, but I feel like the best way I learned to play my class and my role was by getting stomped in the real world. On both my main characters, idk something about having to always be alert is one thing, but then have to also be alert to the classes who attack you and how to defend yourself, which is knowledge I don’t know how else you’d get?

I hated camping, I hated STV on alts but it really is some of the best memories. It create rivalries and some friendships even. Most important it taught you that unless you got angry, you had to figure out how to play you class on a PvP server. Am I wrong?

I know raiding dungeons is very different, and that a PvP and raiding spec are not that same which does change things ofc, learning end game fights is important to get it right, but I feel like having had “grown up” leveling on PvP servers helps you even in dungeons because idk you just seem hyper aware of everything?

I can’t be the only one who thinks this?

Sorry rant over.

my guild tried it tonight even the freaking trash mobs is wayyyy overtuned,.thats how bad it is…

Another potentially fun thing ruined by the Spreadsheet dictators. Cool, Blizzard. Real cool.