The fond memory thread

With Classic just over a month away from release, I’d like to take the opportunity to write down a few fond memories from my time in Vanilla. These are in no particular order, and some of the are not so fond.

Making my first gold. Yes one gold. Took me weeks. I was so excited, I bragged about my 1 gold.

The first time I ran into Western Plaguelands from Tirisfal and getting mauled by a bear. I remember thinking, “hey, what is this area. I am going to go explore!” “Wow, what is that, a dead looking bear!?” “OMG, it’s coming after me, run run run run run!”

FINALLY looting all those damn raptor hearts. Seriously, screw that quest.

Questing for all my demon pets as a Warlock.

Getting my Doomguard, that was pretty epic.

Getting my first piece of epic gear. It was a long PvP grind.

Getting my first mount. It was slow compared to now, but anything was better than running.

Getting my first epic mount. Yeah, it broke the bank.

FINALLY looting all those damn raptor hearts, seriously, screw that quest. (yeah, Is said it again, that quest was the bane of my existance)

Getting my Warlock mount. Took me weeks to loot all the mats and grind out the gold to be able to do the quest. But it was worth it. Ah the dreadsteed, in all your spiky glory!

The first time an alliance player logged into a horde character to scream at me being a cheater because I wiped the floor with them in PvP.

Hitting 60. Honestly, it took me months to max level. I came from SWG where there are no real levels, so the grind to 60 was difficult for me.

My first PvP kill. It was in WPvP in Hillsbrad.

My first 2 day AV. I played all day, logged went to sleep and came back to the same BG. We won.

There are more, but I believe this post has gotten long enough.


My dad had just spent the entire day at work swimming from Westfall up to the Wetlands. He was amazed to find this port that could take us to the night elf continent. He was escorting my little dwarf priest. He typed “watch out for the cliff” as his character autoran off said cliff.

I was questing with a friend in Duskwood. When all of a sudden he died. Just dead on a rock. It is still a mystery on what killed him. He was also prone to randomly falling into the world. Same friend was lent gold from my mom to work on his paladin epic mount. He has yet to return the gold. My parents bring it up every time they see him.

Since all four kids were sharing one account at the time of classic. I would watch my little sister on her pink hair gnome spend all the money my mom would lend her to stalk her. It would freak my mom out to look up from her crafting to see a jumping gnome in front of her.

My mom was part of the rebel mages that refused to go frost in MC. It was hilarious to see these mages fight tooth and claw. They were fire! Deal with it!

I did have to stand up in front of English class that the reason my essay wasn’t typed was because my parents were raiding MC and there was no computer. Someone else in class groaned and said “your parents play that stupid game too.”


Questing in Feralas just after all 5 of us got our mounts and the other 4 go brb and put me on follow… then run full speed and see if I can land in Ashenvale ( hint I can’t make it all the way down ) … Guild MOTD was “Never follow Joe off a cliff” for a while (real name is Joe)

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Husband brought a new game home we loaded them up and found a new Home. Within a week Mom never got to play, daughters took over my computer lol. Christmas that year we bought 3 more computers so Mom could play…

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My guild leader and I were wondering around felwood when we came upon some horde. Killed them and for the next hour both sides kept calling friends to felwood. Was a big wpvp battle great times.

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I grew up in a split family. Visited my Dad on the weekends and lived with my Mom during the week. My dad played EQ/EQ2 and when WoW came out he dropped EQ2 immediately and picked up WoW.

On my weekends i would watch him play and learn the game as a spectator. He wouldn’t let me play though because I was just “a kid”. Which I was. I was in 6th grade. He played a Undead Mage on some PvP server.

When I went home to my Mom’s I told her I wanted to try out the game. I made a Gnome Rogue. Let’s just say my first HK was against my Dad. I actually farmed him a lot! Every weekend I would go to his house and he would complain about some random guy ganking him and stalking him. 2 years later he passed away from heart cancer. I never told him it was me lol.

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I remember when my Hunter got his first gun. Then he shot a man in Reno, just to watch him die.

Going on foot with my friend from Stormwind to shadowfang keep on a pvp realm at level 21 for my paladin quest. Shared danger made it memeorable. And no we didnt know about the tram to ironforge back then nor about instance dungeon needing five people to clear.

All we had was the rough map from the booklet that came with it.