The flaws of Covenants have already been exposed

That is fine as well.

Just that BlizZard needs to pull that ripcord. If they have to eat bacon and pancakes to accomplish that so be it! :100: :+1:



I kinda agree with you most of the time but man, what’s with the :100: and :+1: in everything you post?

Apologies…let me use something more appropriate.

:palm_tree: :palm_tree:

Pull that rip cord so we can enjoy that paradise. :heart_eyes:

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Won’t happen it’s set in stone now and whether you like it or not they won’t change a damn thing… haven’t people learned yet ““it’s their way or the highway””" just like “”“Don’t you have a phone”"" attitude. Gl to those willing to give it ago… I say 12 months most will unsub.

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12 months? If this smells like another BFA repeat three months max. I don’t see systemlands surviving before the first patch if they dig in. :woman_shrugging: :man_shrugging:


Sadly I think many will chose the “highway” i.e. they’ll go spend money on something else.


When a class has to wear a 4 piece of old tier and can not put on upgrades until they collect 4 pieces of the newest tier (which can take the majority of the life of the tier) it 100% falls under “borrowed power”.

The effects are so strong that you can not give them up until you replace it with a totally new ability / power.

I totally agree that these powers are out of hand when it takes over the whole identity of your class it and it “becomes the cake”. I just don’t agree that tier sets are somehow not part of that system.

Hell… they even had to go back and “legacy” old tiers because people were using tiers bonuses from previous expansions just before the pull of the latest tier bosses.

Still can’t test covenants properly as a healer. Healing a dungeon is very different from a raid.

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This expansion is most 100% definitely not ready for a release in 2 months LOL.



This is true.

But based on my experienes with BFA I think this will be worse. Covenant shenanigans and then the botched level squish/scaling. :100: :+1: