The female goblin love thread đŸ„°




Done a thorough inspection too, eh? Glad to see another Goblin of Culture here.

I do so love a pretty and thicc Goblin girl. Best female Horde race.

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Thanks! :heart:

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And thanks to you too!

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Goblins got yellow teeth and smelly breath.

You ever smell a panda? You ain’t got no room to complain.

Seeing how we are one of the cleanest and eco friendly races on the planet. I think you might be smelling yourself lol.
Plus didn’t goblins get “smart” from a rock?

Being dirty is a bonus in goblin society. Especially if the dirt consists of sparkling gold.


i actually like goblins, i hope he didnt get the salty.

No, actually. At least, not the way you’re thinking they did.

Goblins actually have a long and complicated history, so I will try and condense things.

Mirmion, the Watcher and creator of the Gnomes, experimented on a group of pygmies. He increased their intelligence dramatically, almost to the level of his mechagnome servants.

Eventually he grew bored of his experiments and ignored them. These pygmies evolved into the ‘Goblins’, and without the guidance of Mirmion, reverted back to their primitive, Shamanistic ways for several thousand years.

After being enslaved by Trolls the Goblins were introduced to kaja’mite, a mineral mined from the earth. Exposure to this mineral re-ignited their latent intelligence. For a time they even surpassed Gnomish brilliance.

Eventually the effects of kaja’mite wore off, and they settled at a level of intelligence comparable to Gnomes.

From there the Goblins rose up and enslaved the trolls, built a vast merchant empire, and routinely rival the Gnomes for intellectual dominance of Azeroth.



Female Goblins I think have the best dance, and best emotes.
/charge “EXPLOSY TIME”
/charge “You got Goblins on your side, nothin can go wrong!”
/charge “For money and beachfront property!”

All of the older races just have a simple “chaaarge/attack” emote.


One of my favorites"I am a free spirit. I don’t like to be tied down. Oh wait. You mean literally? Totally into that!" Fits their personalities well.


Which is a fantastic segue into the male Goblin line;

“She told me to tie her up and do whatever I wanted to her
 so I took her stereo!”



I had the same problem, the harness used to be aligned perfectly, now the fact its a texture is more obvious. I think the anchor points on the model need a slight tweak.


Ohho! This is wonderful to see in such an easily digestable format. I appreciate you providing this information.

Going to save this to my notes.


Just in case - I got my Kaja’Cola stash.

Goblin ladies ain’t like the others.
I’m not fragile like a flower - I’m fragile like a bomb, baby!
You like playin’ with fire? I sure do.


Yes, congrats females goblins, you’ve come a long way

As you were easily one of the ugliest races in Classic!!!

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This thread tho :anguished: :grimacing:

I highly approve.

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