maybe i don’t know and true, i can’t speak for everyone.
but i can speak for myself.
Listen, vanforth.
After literal years one can get tired really easily of the horde and those who defend it. Specially those who mock you and insult you in every posible way.
making jokes about teldrassil, theramore, gilneas. ect.
jokes about the alliance, the characters, that jaina is a dreadlord, that tyrande is stupid, that anduin is LGTB, that malfurion is useless, ect,ect ect.
or personal insults.
One can easily get tired of that garbage, and of course if you are attacked, you must defend yourself.
That is why i am always at the defensive. and that is why i will say what i feel no matter how annoying that can be for some people.
But you see. this is when my suggestion is truly an attempt to repair the horde story as well, even if you don’t believe it.
i often hear that the horde doesn’t have enough motivation and that they have no true reason to hate the alliance other than blizzard tolds them that they should.
That the alliance doesn’t have characters that are menacing or threatening.
they no longer sees us ar enemies but rather something to punch and nothing less, and of course how can be any different if blizzard is constantly writting the alliance as forgiving despite the fact that forgive in these circumstances doesn’t make much sense and they only do it so the horde can keep existing?.
That is not fair to us and i will always advocate for a better story.
fair enough.
then can i ask what the hell we, ally players want?
alliance players shouldn’t be punished either, because pro tip, we already have.
So what other solution do you propose?
and like i said, this is also an attempt to make the horde feels like heros again, right?
defending versus alliance agression isn’t what they want?.
The horde already got at least 3 big wins without the alliance being able to do anything about it, it wasn’t even close. and we never got any payback for any of it at all.
while if the horde loses, they do it on their terms or manage to do something about it.
like in undercity, denied us the victory of having lordaeron, because of couse that the alliancce can’t have a clear victory on the horde, same with dazaralor. the zandalari weren’t even in the horde, when the “vengeful” horde returned to the city they forced the alliance to flee and even managing to defeat 2 of our leaders.
not only that, the attack made the zandalari join the horde, so in the end it feels like we are just a plot device to their story.
Hell, after baine returned derek to jaina the ally story was over!
this wasn’t about the horde and the alliance. this was about the horde, AGAIN.
And where is the empatowards ally players? very little to zero horde players cares about the alliance, their characters, cities or players.
don’t get me wrong, i do have empathy towards some red players. others make me wish that blizzard ruins their story more.
but that is why i suggest this route, so maybe the alliance can be morally gray, we have some payback, and the horde can feel like heros again. everybody wins.
i am not even talking about the miserable treatment that blizzard has towards us.
like those dudes in the blizcon, and mocking ally players when they can.
Horse jokes, adding IA to BGs and saying “you are welcome, alliance”
“what happened in x zone? -the horde happened!”
one can wonder why the hell i am even here, i am some sort of masochist?
so please, forgive me if what i say offend people in some way but people has to know that this isn’t world of hordecraft, or it should not be. in theory.