The excuse for every race every Paladin is kinda lame

A lot of people have already made it clear that they don’t give a kobold’s behind about how we get paladins, shamans, druids, DHs, and evokers for the remaining races as long as Blizzard makes them happen, so I don’t think many will care if all the new paladins come from the same source. That being said, it’s a very cheap and lazy way to do it when previous paladins all had different orders, backgrounds, and beliefs instead of just being different flavors of human paladin.

After paladins for all happens, I’m sure the people who demanded it will switch to demanding race-specific spell effects, especially for void elf paladins, and probably use the man’ari Gift of the Naaru visual to somehow justify the entire class’s visuals being changed from gold to purple (void elves), red (Dark Irons), green (man’ari), etc.

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Blizzard? I mean, we don’t have the power to put any of these weird race/class combos in the game. They did that all on their own.

Yeah, Blizzard is really dumping the baby out with the bathwater.

They’re basically saying “race doesn’t matter, class doesn’t matter, absolutely nothing in this universe matters”. It feels like the kind of stance you would see right before they decide to pull the plug on a dying game.

A lot of people fell in love with Warcraft BECAUSE of the unique setting and lore it had. WoW’s setting may have leaned on a lot of traditional elements, but it was a best-in-class showing of how to make each race and each class feel super distinct. Each new race and class felt like a real celebrating of their respective themes.

Now, though, they’re tearing down that foundation. They’re giving players “options” at the direct expense of having a meaningful, established world. It’s why so many Eastern MMO’s look like garbage, because there is no visual consistency, no thematic consistency, it’s all just “players can do whatever they want”.

Think of it like this; we’ve all been running a D&D campaign similar to what Warcraft III laid out to us over twenty years ago. It had really intricate themes and lore, a distinct visual design language, and everything felt like one cohesive vision. Now, the devs are basically changing everything to do with the setting, the visual design language, and they’re rendering that lore completely meaningless.

We may have seen Eredar in the past, but the Draenei still felt incredibly fresh and distinct in TBC. While I think Eredar would’ve made an excellent allied race, simply shoehorning their cosmetics into the Draenei has essentially robbed both Draenei and Eredar of any weight or meaning. And then you’ve got Lightforged Draenei Warlocks… don’t even get me started.

It honestly speaks to a fundamental misunderstanding of what made World of Warcraft resonate with so many people. It resonated with people because all of its elements were spins on traditional fantasy, but exceptionally well done. Paladins aren’t some particularly unique concept, but they were always handled exceedingly well.

Now I’ll go on record and say, I do feel the Nightborne should get Paladins; it totally fits their culture (the word itself, paladin, is a french word), which a slight broadening of what makes a Paladin, like the Silver Hand sending an envoy to convert some of the militia of Suramar, who accept their beliefs but find more solace in starlight that the traditional “golden light” themes.

But what Blizzard has been doing lately isn’t “broadening” the established lore; it’s simply disregarding it wholesale. It undermines the setting, and by extension the game itself.

This whole “every class for every race” is a poor design choice that undermines all of what makes Warcraft unique, and I think the game is so much worse for it.


It’s alright.

It’s better than what Tauren Rogues got, which was “Oh they were always here. You just couldn’t see them!”

That’s not true.

Taurens have always had rogues if you paid attention. They were Grimtotem.

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But Grimtotem are not playable…

Grimtotem are not a separate race and they have always been a part of the Horde.


Yeah your pretty much right. This is the issue I had with Mag’har Locks and Lightforged Warlocks too. I hope Metzen is able to help by telling some of the hires, “No”. Because they clearly don’t understand (like a first time RPer who wants to be a Dragon), that some things by their existence and presence cheapen the world. If you are a Dragon Party member, what is the need for the thief, warrior and Wizard?


You can RP a dragon and still be lore compliant.

Dragons that have used their avatar to infiltrate humans didn’t pop in and out of their form on a whim. That’s how Nefarian and Onyxia was able to become nobles.

One of the more striking phenomena of the forums are the posts from people who care more about story and lore than the people creating that story and lore themselves. And that they cannot wrap their heads around that disconnect.

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I really don’t understand why people still argue this topic when that train left the station along time ago.

I used to be one of those people that was against all race/class combos but when I realized that was a losing battle, I figured I had to either go with the flow or quit. They’re not going to reverse their decision.

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if they were gonna do a generic mount for each race we’d already have them and they’d all be riding the low poly chargers from TBC

pls i just want my Nelf paladin

You really can’t. It’s just power gaming unless you have Tarecgosa’s visage.

Dracthyr are mortals. All else is just extras.

I’m hugely in support of opening up class/race options for various reasons, but I do wish Blizzard came up with better justifications in the lore. I’m still pretty bummed out that we got an entire warlock questline that prominently featured the most seemingly contradictory combination of things in Warcraft lore (LF+Warlock) and then failed to elaborate on how he’s…able to exist? At all? Even a little tidbit about how he’s using the Light to forcibly bind and torment demons to do his bidding – but no, he straight up just gets fel eyes (that players don’t even have access to) and that’s that.

The cynical side of me says that they’re hoping by homogenizing everything from a story direction they can avoid the predictable flood of cosmetic requests to change spell effect visuals or to do more with glyphs: silver Light is a go-to example for night elf paladins.

Tbh, I never understood how the Horde ended up with multiple Paladin-races before gnomes got to be paladins… I mean, Humans, Dwarves and Gnomes are all the titan forged races, and somehow out of that lot, gnomes got excluded?

Like, how’s that work if they all have the same origin? Were the humans just so tall that when the light came down, we were stuck in their shadows and couldn’t get any of it?

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Warcraft is no less ‘Warcraft’ just because some atypical selections are available for classes and vice-versa. Given that every class in this game is trained (even if, admittedly, we don’t use the Trainers anymore…), it makes less than no sense that an individual wouldn’t be able to pick up a class of their choice if they’re driven enough.

It’s up to the individual playing the character to justify it for themselves, they don’t have to justify it to anyone else.

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Sorry dude but i am a red waggle pally with fire horn crown and shoulders, mace, shield and whatever i can find thats fire. I even ride a flaming griffon when i can!

Guess thats not in the lore right?

LMAO, i look GREAT!!

This is me! I look fabulous!!!

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Paladins are like light infused warriors, not so different than void corruption…one can drive you mad, the other will make you boring.

I’m pretty sure heroes of all races could handle being boring if they really wanted.

I mean really, if crazy humans can do it I’m sure a gnome can too.