The Enslaved Assassin (World RP Open Invite)

(( Hi guys, I just wanted to post about my character Zijia. I often wander around Tanaris and the Thousand Needles with her scanning for TRP profiles. If you RP or want to RP in the area, please feel free to add me. As Zija’s storyline typically does not take her far. However, would love to grow her RP community and happy to brainstorm and host events/campaigns based on other people’s character profiles. I used to DM and would like to get back into it, but more writer and character development focus. In-game character name: Zananji.

That’s it, hope to see you in Azeroth.))

Zija’ja was sold off as a young girl by a gambling father who spent far too much of his time around deceitful goblins. She paid her father’s debt serving her goblin owners until ultimately she was sold off to a Sandfury hide skinner. A man whom taught her most of what she knows today. How to tell which snakes are the most venomous, the stories that bones can tell, and the importance of the Sandfury’s priest and dark mysticism. Her role in Sandfury society was mostly grunt work, snake handling, and assisting her owner with his hide skinning.

Despite being seen as less than hyena dung, Zija thrived. Her curiosity is what kept her alive. She found solace from the priests who could read visions from the bones of those before, watching and learning how they read. She learned every purpose that a bone could serve.

A horn, a flask, a necklace, the marrow as an ingredient to a healing remedy, a drum stick, a toothpick, a weapon…a legacy.

Zija’ja eventually earned her right to spill blood, impressing the Sandfury priests over time, but only by abiding by their rules and every whim. A code which she questions is even necessary to follow…

Zija travels the far southern ends of Kalimdor, collecting resources, information, and killing the enemies of the Sandfury. She’ll leave you forgotten like the very ruins you wander in Tanaris. She’ll hunt you like a dangerous beast in the jungle of Un’goro. She may find peace and share a drink with you at the Speed Barge in the Thousand Needles, trying to hold back a thousand tears.

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Awesome story! I’m sure someone would love to get in on that!

You should try the LFRP community on Hordeside! Maybe you’ll find someone there!

More info here: [A/H] LFRP the In-Game Community

You can just search for “LFRP” in the community finder and apply, you’ll be automatically accepted.

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