All im gonna say is with raid buffs you can EASILY reach 1450AP with almost bis on a sham… add beta and you get over 1700 which is madding seeing beta grant almost 300 AP when battleshout fully talented is 117
Its absolutely ridiculous all other classes are about 600ish ap in raid gear while shamans are double… nearly triple this in leveling gear having never stepped foot in the raid lol.
Nerf this class into oblivion.
As stated they dont need to be “nerfed into the ground” or “nerfed into oblivion”
Rockbiter needs to be changed to the TBC version that was actually balanced for Dual wield.
WoE needs a tweak… +30% total health changed to +20%stam
Loyal Beta +10% AP down from 20%
these changes will remove about 1000AP from them.
To be clear I am not a fan of decoy totem I dont think it should have been given to sham
Yeah I mean just nerf rockbiter, nerf way of earth. That’s a wrap. Their insane AP and tankyness gone and now a regular class.
They just need to impose a damage debuff to Way of Earth (and up the threat it gives if necessary to balance it out) so that every Enh Shaman doesn’t feel obligated to take Way of Earth in PvP.
Shamanistic Rage is still a very strong alternative, but at least it’s an actual CD and doesn’t have 100% uptime like Way of Earth.
peak performance?!?
the only peak you guys see is the top of brokeback mountain
The only peak you see is the peak of the bell curve with your average room temp IQ. #Cleared + ratio + log off kid
In the realm of Azeroth, there lived a Draenei shaman named Irihi. Despite being a powerful wielder of elemental magic, Irihi harbored a deep-seated hatred towards those different from him. His heart was filled with prejudice and intolerance, especially towards a group known as Peak Performance.
Peak Performance was a band of strong alpha males, exuding masculinity to the point where they bled testosterone. Their presence alone intimidated many, but it was their unwavering camaraderie that truly set them apart. They stood together as brothers, united by their shared strength and determination.
One fateful day, Irihi’s path crossed with Peak Performance, and his disdain for them boiled over. He launched a vicious attack on the group, fueled by his irrational fear and hatred towards anyone he deemed different or weaker than himself. The clash between Irihi and Peak Performance shook the very foundations of Azeroth.
As the battle raged on, Irihi’s confusion about his own identity added another layer of complexity to the conflict. Deep down, he grappled with questions about his gender and struggled to come to terms with who he truly was. This inner turmoil only fueled his anger further, leading to more destructive actions against those he perceived as threats.
In the end, the confrontation between Irihi and Peak Performance served as a stark reminder of the dangers of prejudice and ignorance. It highlighted how fear and hatred could blind even the most powerful individuals, ultimately leading to tragic consequences for all involved.
if they change rockbiter to the TBC version… that is the DPS nerf to WoE my guy
Honesty I dont think that will be nearly enough of a nerf.
I mean bro just that change removes 800-900 AP from the sham
thats a pretty big nerf
No they need to be nerfed across enhance, ele and tank specs.
disagree with you on that
Quick bump to this thread to update is on the current situation!
Way of Earth only active with shield equipped CHECK
Rockbiter weapon nerfed by 90% CHECK
Sprit of the alpha nerfed and changed to 5% physical damage CHECK.
All confirmed by data mining! Use this thread as an example for the future everyone, if you want something nerfed, be rational and reasonable about it! I won’t take all the credit for these changes but I’d like to think I made a difference! Peace and love to you all! Thanks to all who replied and participated in the discussion!
ahahahahahaa deserved
Good job dude, you really did the community a great service!
Yeah between this and that one guy on twitter from the wowhead post kinda shows that not raging about something will get more attention to your problem.
Ya send some love to that Lord_Dipso guy… he got Aggrend to lay eyes on the giant disparity that existed! We all worked together for this massive W!
Shags in shambles
where can you see the datamined rockbiter nerf?