The Enclave Server First Bindings of the Windseeker

I’m told an alliance PuG group got server first bindings…yall look like fools now lol

Do you happen to have any proof?

And Horrigan has two.


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y’AlL lOoK lIkE fOoLs NoW lOl


yes, here is proof

13 votes and 51 comments so far on Reddit

unless you guys got a binding before these guys, and are saying you got server first both bindings? if thats the case…cool, i guess? grats?

as a friend told me…“cool…let me know when they get server first 10 ores…or actual thunderfury”

exciting to get bindings but rubbing each other over RNG drops is pretty corny I must say


Yes we got them before that group.

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Ah then grats!

The tragedy is you can’t complete Thunderfury without Elementium which is from BWL, but the bindings are now a non-issue so it is basically guaranteed.

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This is tremendous! Congratulations are in order to Horrigan and The Enclave for driving us to reach these heights so quickly and so consistently!


Truly a historic day as we patiently wait for the opportunity to release and purge Thunderaan.

Hail Horrigan!

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Congratulations Horrigan, and congratulations Enclave.

Big up.

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Ya’know, with the way certain systems are abused by a certain guild and the odds of such an occurrence being tremendously low, it almost makes one believe the notion that a certain guild has a member in a certain company bending the rules.

Some absolutely insane RNG lol.

Can’t wait for the day Horrigan is stance dancing/weapon swapping between Sulfuras and Thunderfury, Blessed Blade of the Windseeker

Hope this is true or there is some really sketchy scenarios taking place on Grobbulus.

Stop being so salty lol.

People were freaking out in Discord when that happened, that’s not the MO of shady planned out hacking, also isn’t that managed server side? Not sure how you could even hack loot like that.

I never said hacking or anything lol

Hacking, behind the scenes shenanigans, whatever, all falls into the category of cheating which is not what went down lol.

I’m just saying something seems fishy here is all.

I can’t spell out what I don’t know, I’m just saying it’s weird.

I haven’t claimed anything besides that the odds are so low that something seems very off about this.