The Emboldened is a guild and we are moving

I will be moving my paladin with The Emboldened to Zul’jin. I still keep Emerald Dream very close to my heart thus I will be keeping my alts here. I’m looking for a guild on horde for my Priest Varawyn. If you have any suggestions please send them my way. I also moved my Druid Aylessa back alliance to join the new guild Den of Thieves. LONG LIVE THE RUM LORD! I hope to see both factions in world pvp.


We :heart: you so much and are so glad that you are going to be adventuring with us! So glad you joined the guild when you did!

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I see how it is, Larry.

I really am sorry for that. We really don’t want anyone to feel hurt or abandoned.

It wasn’t necessarily premeditated, nor was it impulsive either.

It was just kind of a perfect storm of stuff on our end. Over the past several months a few of us had found ourselves wishing to leave the server for this reason or that reason, some of us secretly and some of us more openly.

But when the idea came up again recently it was a sudden and near unanimous YES. It became about the when’s where’s how’s and why’s.

Then we realized patch is soon, raid tier not long after. If we’re gonna go we should get moving. Once we decided where (suprisungly swiftly) that was that.

All are welcome to follow, but we know it’s a big ask so I am truly sorry for those who are feeling left out or left behind. As Cari mentioned please let us know if there’s anything we can do.

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https ://

I wasn’t gonna call you out man out of professional courtesy, but it was you. You know what you did.

You know exactly what you did.

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You and cari are one to me, you were implied <3

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*raises a mug *


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Good morning to everyone! (except that warlock)

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I will not be joining the move to Zul’Jin, but I wish you guys the best. I hope I can cross paths with you guys again at some point in the future.


Take care Nuju! Don’t be a stranger!

(can’t post on my main right now due to transfer)


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Warbringer spy confirmed btw

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Did you really think we did not know it was you?

You’d be surprised. Some people didn’t know until recently. Plus I wanted to explain why I was on a lowbie alt with a year-old guild tag.

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Ok there we go.

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I have to say I am going to miss our arguments.

Going to miss most of you on this server. I’m thankful for time here excited for our next chapter! Peace ED!


Your candle burned out long before your legend ever did.


I won’t, you were pretty annoying how you’d follow me around thread to thread like a puppy dog posting on alts.

Take care though all the same.

Adios ED, but who knows. You know what they say:

You either die a hero or live long enough to be the CRZ trash.

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