The Emboldened is a guild and we are moving

Lot’s of fun at the guild meeting tonight! :smiley:
One of my favorite things in the world is giving away presents / prizes to y’all!

Great job at RBGs too! Everyone ended up higher and a lot of people got their elite sets this week! :smiley:

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Came over from Resolved and its been great here. Plus we got a sweet Kaarson in the guild!


Guffaws A “sweet” Kaarson… Kaarson is so bad he dies to Fetid Devourer as dps.

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Happy Thanksgiving!


You too! Hope everyone had a good one!

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Fun surprise WPvP tonight! Killed a bunch of alliance off realmers and a few ED people then had a group 3 times our side come out to smoosh us! Lot’s of laughs in discord. Sorry for ruining stealth squad gingi!

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After that squabble. We are having trouble finding anyone at all to fight. :frowning:

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The Emboldened’s Bounty Night 11/25 (TONIGHT) 7:00 Server time COME OUT AND GET PAID FOR YOUR WPvP! We start grouping at 7 the event usually lasts an hour to hour and a half. All ED Horde are welcome! We form a raid group and each party in the raid is a team. The teams are then sent out into the world to kill as many alliance as possible! I suggest playing with your combat log open or if you have the addon kills shot. Type a “1” into raid chat for every killing blow you get on alliance and that earns gold for your team. The team with the most kills at the end of the night earns an additional 10,000g bonus! Payment Details Most payment details are posted in discord or in raid chat the time of the event! Payments are typically sent out through in game mail. If you’d like to collect your payment at the end of the night in person please feel free to message me!
Hope to see y’all out there!

Bankrupt night

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Bounty night of 11/11/2018! It was a very close call at the end.

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It really was! I love when it’s a close event! Makes it more exciting!

Great Bounty Night tonight guys

We had team 1 finish off the night with 82 killing blows raking in a grand 8800

Team 2 took the gold home though with 85 killing blows and earned not only 8800g but the 10,000g bonus as well

Nice seeing some EotN come out and participate too


I like stuff


These folks are awesome and you should check them out if you are looking for a home hordeside! I’m excited to get my horde priest all leveled up! :heart_eyes:


ATTN : EVERYONE As many of you know Emerald Dream has been our guilds home for 8 of it’s 10 years in WoW. Many of us have expressed unhappiness as of late with the state of the server. Several members, officers and even GMs for the guild have been feeling a lull in fun on the server as well as just a distaste for the current levels of toxicity on the server. The officer core has taken a vote and an overwhelming majority are thinking now would be a great time to take a chance in the break in content and perform a guild realm change. After much conversation, discussion, debate and excitement in the GM and officer core over the past week and a guild vote, we have decided it would be an excellent time to transfer our guild to the realm Zul’Jin. We will still be performing all of our normal guild events and have been working towards making connections for cross realm RP for those interested. This is a chance to move away from the toxicity on ED and start fresh before the new tier. We understand this may feel sudden for many members and we apologize for that. We would like to transfer our whole community with us along on this new chapter in our game play but understand there are some of you who will not want to leave Emerald Dream and will support you on what ever your decision is. This how ever is something we feel will be best for our members who have been naturally progressing towards content that is not as prevalent on Emerald Dream. We want nothing but the best for our friends and family who remain behind. We will be maintaining our discord for those of you who are transferring with us or who are not able to right away so that everyone can still be connected. The realm transfer will take place over the course of next week. (The week of 12/3/18.)
We will be performing this earlier than later so that there is time to get things situated before the new raid tier / patch. Many of are only moving our mains to Zul’Jin to start and thankfully Kaarson has offered Resolve as a home for alts who are not making the move. If you are interested in transferring and unsure how to go about it or pay for it please feel free to reach out to me through discord private message and we will see if/how we will be able to help. Like I said our ideal situation would be to have our family all transfer with us.
Thank you,


hype train intensifies


Smart move. Welcome to Zul’jin!


I’m gonna ride the train with you Jar!


Hell ya man together again
orders delivery pasta

Thank you to those who have supported us on ED and we have so much love for so many of you but this is a welcome change for many of us and I hope the friendships made here will stay. :heart:
I apologize to any this inconveniences.