The Elune paradox

Do you have evidence of any other true Gods? Because we know about beings from all across the universe and from many dimensions, yet only Elune gets called a true deity by blizz. Not the Titans for some reason, not the old gods, not anyone else.

thats not wrong, metzen called her the only true goddes in the entire setting.


if elune is indeed a first one, then it will exist more then one true god, i mean, the grp is called the “first ones

Perhaps, we have to wait and see on that one.

That was quite a while ago, and the new folks probably have something different in mind. While I’d enjoy her being WoW’s one true goddess, they’re probably going to make her a First One to try and tack some semblance of legitimacy to their new idea.


Makes sense. Then she can be killed so they can kick Night Elves again.

Supernatural’s pseudo-finale has almost made me appreciate Elune more. At least she’s never going to go out succumbing to her own pride.

With all due respect, you have Stockholm syndrome, but instead of it being with a captor, its with your victim mentality that holds you hostage.

You don’t see Blood Elves being this upset about when Arthas killed 90% of their people, and to be fair, WC3 reforged recently opened those wounds again.

shrugs I don’t take it seriously enough anymore to go and cry into my pillow at night about the treatment of Night Elves but I will mock it when the opportunity presents itself. They do seem to be the current team’s punching bag.


I respect being really into the lore and having a strong affinity for a specific race in WoW. However, I’ve started to worry about some posters who are to the point where they want Tyrande to use her Night Warrior powers to break through reality and bring vengeance upon Blizz Writing team…I don’t mean you of course, but just try not to be so down about the Night Elves recent bad luck. Things will change, they always do, hopefully for the better.

I don’t believe that but you do you. If it happens, it happens.

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Ähm, wc3 never showed it so vissiually as wow does.

The genocide happened, yes, but its exist no real cinema of this event

When has Elune claimed infinite goodness so as to use this trite atheist fallacy

One of her aspects is literally described as “dark” and “vengeance incarnate” and uses Shadow magic and kills the user usually

She let them elves die

Sure there may be some Big Picture Magical Reason for it down the road but who cares

Sucks to suck

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Void lords want her.
Sargeras wants her.
Her blood is a super power that the night elves used to dominate the planet.
Her blood is a super power that has control of systems not even the Big Bosses have in the Shadowlands.


Only meta-info.

One of Azeroth’s few full deities, Elune is the goddess of the moon.

Would that be a bad thing, given the track record of BfA?

gl hf

As far as Elune goes, its a common fantasy trope that the gods are either indifferent or only intervene when specifically asked too.And since we know there are multiple First Ones, her not intervening constantly lines up when there are a cosmos full of people asking for her help at any given moment

Or Elune is a true Goddess, and that doesn’t exempt her from being as powerful or incompetent as the story the Devs want to tell dictates her to be.

The War of Thorns is going to remain a glaring example of bad writing for a long time to come, I’m afraid. It depicted the Night Elves fighting alone (with Worgen in their tree, and Draenei right next door, and the Vindicaar flying around, etc…). When the tree was being evacuated it was mages and portals doing all the work. No mention of those brand new Void Elf allies using void rifts, no mention of Lightforged Draenei slamming down some teleporters to evacuate people to the Vindicaar, no mention of Draenei mages evacuating civilians to the Exodar, etc…

Blizzard wanted to tell a story where the Night Elves suffered a genocide as a result of the loss of their home. They needed to ignore everything that could possibly change that. It was dumb, because there will forever be the questions of why no one else was helping them.


This is in no way a Paradox, even slightly.

Elune can be the one “true” god in all of Warcraft, but that neither needs to translate into her being overwhelmingly powerful in a traditional sense … nor does it mean that even if she were she needs to act in such direct ways. It also doesn’t need to mean she’s infallible either. The expectation that a “True God” be Omnipresent, Omniscient, and All Powerful is a trait that stems largely from monotheistic styles like the Abrahamic faiths … its not universal.


I don’t think there is an omnipotent creature in the Warcraft universe.

In shadowlands we hear about the “first ones” she might be one of those creatures. Basically the upper pantheon.

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They can COMMUNICATE across the stars. That’s it. That’s the extent of their limited “intervention.” That’s why they needed Mortals to open the way for them.

Blizzard has addressed this back in Vanilla.

Gods are neither omniscient nor omnipotent.

Elune being a True Goddess doesn’t mean she has enough power to do anything.

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