The Dwarf Lounge

I think my Dwarf mask is working. They seem a little suspicious but are tolerating me, so far.

*refills tankard…


sniffs the air suspiciously


“Ya got my attention. Interest ya’n a pint?”



Ya be the only filthy (no offence) Orc that I don’t want to pound to th’ ground. As far as I’m concerned, ya be welcome here. :beers::beer:


To your left and behind the orc. Noms of all kinds are being provided.

(Dang phone made me think I double-posted and I deleted my original comment.)

What’s that son? Ears aren’t what they used to be.

Salutes Syward with a hearty grin, a little fazed already…

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Lad, we all know better. We just don’t really give a :poop: that you’re not really a dwarf. :wink:

As long as ya don’ cause no trouble ya be welcome here. :beers::beer:

Sorry my Mole Machine broke down and had to take it in.



Behold my luxurious chin-locks. No shirt, no service,… no problem!

Now gather around for my Iron-churned frozen treats!


Oi, we are many already, gathered here. We know a Dwarven cry when we hear one.

How many Dwarfs does it take to change a light bulb?

Three. One to hold the bulb, and two to drink until the room starts to spin.


Try logging out and back in again, I’ve had to do that to get my character list to update a couple of times on the forums.

Also, I submit myself for judgement as an honorary dwarf based upon the following criteria:

  • Has sufficient beard (unlike humans)
  • Has sufficient stoutness (unlike humans)
  • Hails from a rugged fortress carved into a frozen wasteland
  • Likes beer
  • Has a personal mole machine (Coren’s never gonna miss it)
  • Brought a Brewfest Pony Keg, a Brewfest Keg Pony, and a Pandaren Brewpack to share

sets out kegs and flings a few Shadowmoon Sugar Pear Ciders for Ragesmith

Priorities, friend. Priorities. Cider before food.


Mighty fine mog ya got there my DI brother. :beer:

HE’S WITH ME LADS! Don’t fret, this Orc is joyful. He is of Irish descent…


*cautiously takes off my mask and meekly raises beer to toast the room full of burly Dwarves, hoping to not be mauled… :weary:

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Ho, see that dobber over there that’s lookin at me oot the corner o his eye, he’s gettin’ a dose o’ the malkies afff a me if he doesn’t gee it a by!


Gets bearhugged by Thassarius

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:laughing: :rofl: :joy: :beers: :beer:

Thassarius momentarily leaves, and in comes Dvärgak

(Fear not lads, it is just I!)