The dire status of Felstriker (and other low population server) - Classic TBC

We need help.

Don’t get me wrong, I love Felstiker and the community that resides there. But there comes a point where enough is enough.

At the launch of TBC, the server started with 5 guilds, this has now whittled down to 3 with the news of another guild transferring off coming yesterday. Groups are getting more and more difficult to fill with each player that transfers off the server and there will be a point in the near future where this will become an impossible task.

When will Blizzard acknowledge the issue of low population servers and offer a solution to the clear mismanagement of server population?

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Welcome to Customer Support, the place where players assist other players. This is not Customer Service. As such, there are no GMs, no Devs here, and your desire to bring attention to this kind of falls flat, I’m afraid to say. You will want to post over in the TBCC forums or submit your suggestion through the in-game interface so the proper staff has a chance to see it.

How is it their mismanagement when players go where players choose to go? Even the staff cannot force players anywhere they do not wish to be. Given time, lower pop servers will likely be condensed down, as they did with Classic. But this is just one of many things on their plates right now, including Retail content, future TBCC content, the current crisis and many other things.


A CS rep pointed me in this direction, but I had an inkling that might be the case. Will try another forum.

They have allowed higher population servers on OCE like Arugal and Yojamba to flourish by adding in additional layers to support larger pop servers but have done nothing to support those with a lower player base.

Blizz can’t force people to move to low pop servers, or to stay on them. The population issue is a social issue thats outside of their control. They could offer free transfers to the server, but people wont leave active servers for a dead server. Free transfers off the server wont help the server. And realm merges, which is likely something they will look at are only temporary fixes as youl find the serious players always gravitate towards a main alliance and a main horde server for the most part.

Fairly sure the current solution is a paid transfer to a more populated server.


Agreed, this has been tried and tested in the past and clearly doesn’t work, why move off a server with multiple layers, a high population and a minimal queue (if any) to one that is struggling!

This is the only true solution to the issue at hand. We know, like you said above, that noone is coming accross, so the only solution is to allow the current players to transfer off.

I understand that this option exists in a paid format currently, but many players have multiple characters and just saying pay the fee for every character is a bit of a cop out. This should have been address long ago by Blizz!

This is the vanilla classic forum.


Hmm It got moved from Customer Support to here so i’ll post again in TBC forums!