The Difference Between an Option and a Requirement

The OP is is fundamentally correct and this isn’t so much a player problem than it was more than us trying to fit into the systems that we are presented

An example of this is old school runes scapes content can be consumed by a max level player and a lower level player and the content in there doesn’t get washed away each xpac

WoW has the best skeleton of an MMO and it carries it through thick and thin however the potential of this game is unrivalled and under developed

It’s still amazing at what it does though

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your just being dramatic now…there are tons of ways to gear your character, you do have to put some level of effort into your character if you expect to get into higher level end game content. if this is your main character you haven’t done almost anything with your neck, your cloak is rank 5 and your gear looks to have minimal effort put in to upgrading it. I mean what do you expect?

even after all that there are plenty of casual raid guilds that would still take you and help you learn and gear but if you don’t want to put in that effort no ones gonna do it for you. the whiny attitude im betting is whats keeping you out of guilds…not your ilvl. if you really hate it just don’t play, there are lots of solo instant gratification games out. BTW you can get into a heroic darkshore run with almost no ilvl at all iv done it plenty of times on plenty of alts, you also have the option of just making the group yourself…all comes back to effort.

These are the worst types of posts. Your initial post is an attempt to call out and educate Blizz devs but your examples are either flat out wrong or missing important details. Here let me fix your post.

"There is a super important difference between something being optional or something being required. The only thing in game required to play WoW is to log in. Everything after that is optional.

More specifically I would like to participate in endgame heroic raiding and so requirements include running normal raid or mythic + dungeons around a 7, completing the cloak quest on any characters that want to kill N’zoth, and having a major essence.

There are optional aspects of the game that would great help my odds of killing heroic N’zoth including: getting multiple rank 3 essences, acquiring corrupted gear to increase DPS, grinding more keystone for better loot.

Because I am struggling to succeed at heroic N’zoth with the current Ingame options I would like alternate ways to get raid competitive gear.

Because I want to play different classes without sinking hours of play into them I want to be given essences and the cloak that I earned on another character.

Because I do not enjoy grinding to get BiS gear I want to be able to pick what corruptions I get on loot. "


I would like it if Mother could remove levels of corruption or take the corruption off a item so that you could apply it to another item.

As much as we hated titanforging it allowed players to not have to do raid or mythic plus content in order to have a hope at higher level gear. I’m not sad to see it go because it did make things un-predictable and was wasted a lot of the time. But I would like to see a form of it return on a item to be used on armor. Kind of like buying a gem slot, but instead win/buy a item that up’s the item level of armor.

As for the cloak quest I honestly think that needs a skip option at this point. Or at least the ability to buy a skip off of Wrathion.

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That is on the players, not the game.

To be honest if you know X + Z will equal Y and still choose to do X & Z then why is Y not your fault?

I will Clarify, If Blizzard builds a system that allows/ rewards players who are jerks…then how are they not somewhat responsible for the wave of jerks that infested the area?

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I would also like this.

I understand what you are saying but groups having unrealistic requirements to join their group can’t really be blamed on the game.


Because M+ does not reward jerks. It was created for organized teams. For people who knew each other or plan to work together regularly and get to know each other. The intention for M+ was not to pug and it rewards people who do not pug very well.

However if you find other skilled and knowledgeable people it is very rewarding to pug because you do not need to sync up schedules. But if you are not skilled and knowledgeable or find others who are not then the experience is worse than normal. As such the people who choose to pug regardless of original design intention are rewarded for being selective by seeing higher success rates.

It’s not a design problem its a human problem.

The only Blizz design that could stop “players who are jerks” from being rewarded is to make it impossible to pug and ban anyone who is ever reported from doing M+. …But that will sound like hyperbole and you’ll think it’s silly.


It can if there is no alternate grouping style available for mythic plus.
LFD may not be the best option for mythic’s and should probably not be used, but that doesn’t mean the OPTION to do so should not exist at all.

The only way to stop these overly selective groups is to put in a computer generated matching system or a LFG list that players can add themselves too.

It may take forever, it will not be efficient but it will reduce the complaints a lot.

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Except you can always start your own group… That is an option.

Why do they need to be stopped? Make your own group if you do not like what other people do in their groups.


You lost me here, I fell over laughing…I’m sorry.

This would trivialize and effectively kill the content. a que system to randomly pair players is designed for very easy content to allow players just to see content. the success rate of even completing a mid level M+ key LFR style would be pretty bad.

How exactly would having a random generator or a Looking for group list effect you if your fine with the system as is? The answer is it would not effect your play style at all, it would just give people options.

You again…

And they exist. PvP conquest gear is currently 460, you don’t even have to do BGs, just turn warmode on and do assalts/Call to Arms/Battle for Nazjatar or even just open those air drop chests.

Also I believe the timewalking weekly quest that is up right now awards a piece of raid gear.

Edit: I forgot heroic warfronts! Darkshore awards a piece of 460 gear and should be up for the horde soon if it isn’t already.

I never have issues finding M+ groups, even on my less geared alts. Sure, about 25% of the time there will be some sort of issue because someone in the group is clueless, but that’s the joy of PUGing it. You’re a druid. Learn to tank or heal and getting into groups should be easy.

Well, there is PvP, do you want world quest gear?

This is a good point, I concur.

I don’t have any trouble on my alts, but being able to link AOTC is helpful for that.

How exactly is that “the only way to stop them” when you can just make you own groups?

Do you honestly think anyone is going to use a LFD on their +10 key?

Also conveniently drop some of the best gear in the raid ignoring that. Most classes have a BiS Azerite piece from last two (both mail classes want the chest from nzoth) as well as the fact every int (that can use swords) and str user would generall kill for the weapons.

Really? I remember LK being one of the most toxic times for raiding as far as group making requirements went lol.

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No I don’t think they will use it for 10+ keys. I think people will use it for mythic 0’s during that one weekly to get it over with fast. I think people will scroll thru the LFG list for tanks and healers available before waiting for hours in que with 2 other dps.

It would be built for more low end keys. Just a LFG list to say hey I’ll do whatever ya want…whisper me I will go get crap done instead of refeshing a list every min.

Overly selective groups are a problem on low level keys not high level keys. On High level keys it is appropriate.

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