The developers gave Blood elves to the Horde

Lorewise the Belves had already fled the Alliance because Garathos sentenced Kael and his men to death.

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Along with what others have stated, it was also to introduce Shamans to the Alliance, and Paladins to the Horde.

As for aesthetics, I personally think they are both ‘pretty’ races.


And their log-in screens! So tranquil.

That’s a good question, and I don’t know what was established in WC3, it’s been way too long. I do know it’s established in WoW though.

And why did they give night elves to the alliance? Can you tell me?


Don’t fit into the Horde due the story.


Well there were a few more planned races then what we got when the game launched. I think when they had the Forsaken to be playable, they wouldn’t have suited to be part of the Alliance because again, the NPC of Garthios and how Sylvanas and her rebel scourge renamed the Forsaken killed him and his forces. In Chronicles they tried to explain that envoys never made it to Stormwind sent by Sylvanas.

So by giving the Horde the Forsaken, they had no choice but to give the Night Elves to the Alliance, there was no other race on their original choices for races that would have fit in at the time. They forgot about Gilneas so that was out and the only other races they thought as playable were the DreadLords and Naga (yes they were in early plans to be playable)

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Blood Elves?

They probably would have if it weren’t for Garithos.

Such a pleasant guy, you should look him up.