The day Classic + turned into retail -

Exactly, this content is extremely limited. Everyone is trying to power level cause we all want to experience as much of the content as possible before the season is just…over.

I’m an adult, with adult responsibilities. I don’t have time to level multiple characters to 60 and min/max them for BWL. That kind of free time has come and gone unfortunately.

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Modern Blizzard isn’t capable of creating classic+ the reason osrs worked is because you had people that actually loved the game working on it


You guys say this while simultaneously saying that the questing zones were too full, which is why people grinded SM en masse. This is a megaserver issue.

Same, I did less than 10 dungeons total on my way to 40.

You cherry pick the “good changes” you like that comes from modern WoW, but when it doesn’t fit your playstyle, you throw a fit. Literally go back to Era friend. Maybe you have to accept, SoD isn’t for you, nor is it for the Retail Mythic plusers. And I’m gonna ride it out til the last phase, because its amazing!

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gee it’s almost like this community is from somewhere else, namely retail :expressionless: oh wait, that’s exactly what happened


Go back to “World of Warcraft Classic: Season of Discovery”? :thinking:

If they remove the Classic moniker from SoD (as they should) you can use this “go back to Classic” line, but til then…

Nobody cares about your schedule. You say you’re an adult, but aren’t mature enough to accept that you simply don’t have time to do certain things and accept that that’s okay.

What changes from retail do I like and not take issue with?

What I miss the most about classic was Covid.

It was special because everyone was stuck at home depressed and out of money. Sure, you couldn’t pay rent, but you could get a flurry axe. It led to this beautifully degenerate sweatpit. There was no fighting between casuals and tryhards because everyone was a scumbag. Even the casual guilds had dreams of becoming the next APES.

Truly a lost golden age.

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I do responsible adult things like schedule my day around priorities. Then do my best to make time for hobbies I enjoy, if my schedule allows it.

Also, if you disagree and think the opposite, I can just as easily say nobody cares about your schedule either.

See how that works!

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So, there was no boosting on Era, back in 2019?

Well if they thought the journey mattered so much they wouldn’t mind that it was difficult to quest right?

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Cool. Grow up and realize that not all hobbies are made to fit your schedule. I’m an adult with a job and family and manage to enjoy the game just fine without doubling the leveling speed.

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The point is that if all the leveling zones are full to capacity, then there must be a lot of players enjoying the journey.

Sure there was. It wasn’t done by the devs though.

Haha aguy who has done nothing but wah wah for the past 24 hours cause we can level faster on a seasonal server telling others to grow up. Lmao :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Wah wah


You’re on a website revolved around a video game yelling at people about their schedules. Yet, I need to grow up? lmao

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Ehh, let him cry.

You’re demanding a game change because you’re not a kid anymore, so ya, please grow up.