The current state of Shadow Priest is great, but

Spriest is the best ranged dps now, imo. Its only weakness is the lack of cc.


Iā€™m trying one out, and the lack of on-demand AoE is kind of painful. Doing Timewalking and the pulls are fast, and mobs melt. Shadow Crash isnā€™t up for half the packs and Iā€™m left not even sure what to cast half the time. Everything dies too fast to try and DoT and Iā€™ve got nothing else to do.

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I think itā€™s just that the gap-opener/closer pendulum is greatly on the side of melee right now.

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Shadow priests donā€™t perform well in any low end contents (or low keys). Basically, the mobs have to survive long enough to fully utilize the dots and for the next shadow crash cd (30s). If the mobs pack die within 30s, youā€™re pretty much screwed.

In keys the Spriest AoE kit feels great. It might feel terrible with the mobs dying too fast but at higher health mobs it feels amazing to play. At least in my opinion.

Good point

I think Spriest could use a bit of a utility buff so people have more reason to take them on their team. Lock has cookie/gate and better dispell protection than SP

We have utility. PI, void shift, leap, fortā€¦itā€™s just not enough after the nerfs. In random bgs depending on the map and objectives I was hovering around 15m dmg overallā€¦now I can barely crack 5m. Ok, we were doing a TON of burst, but blizz not only lowered the dmg, they killed our survivability as well as the insta procs.

SP to me just feels like a PI bot and to grip/shield/feather/life swap flag carriers

Our dot dmg is easily negated by the classes which gives us the most problemsā€¦


Shadow just isnā€™t fun to play in its current iteration pve or pvp, back to Ret for me.


Maybe you should heed your own advice and stop lying. ā€œThey were behind in ST but they def were not trash.ā€ You literally right after link a WoW log of shadow priest being 17th place. You just killed your own argument there.

Look at where feral druids were in the logs, and check out where theyā€™re at now and compare that to shadow priests.

I like how an assa rogueā€™s dots are way stronger than mine and Iā€™m shadowā€¦ Feels bad man


Shadow is not about the DoT damage.

Then again, DP, Sear, Flay, and torrent are all dots as well and on a side note I for one enjoy not having to take 3 years to start doing damage like assa does.

player perspective heavily influence key invites tbh.

Most of our primary abilities are dotsā€¦ Bro

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