The complete utter lack of new gameplay for WW in shadowlands is unacceptable

This is happening to everyone

Not for shaman earthquake, that is not being reduced. Shaman is the go to dps class for SL.

You can’t say that as we have had zero numbers tuning.

I actually believe Ion said it would remain untouched and not limited by the # of mobs. He said this when the nerf was announced that it was one of 2 or 3 abilities that would still not be capped.

What does that have to do with tuning numbers?
Also 1 spell isn’t going to nearly do enough dmg to justify mass pulling.
They are just trying to prevent these mass pull kite tank whole packs while the dps kill it in m+.

then the devs need to do actual design work for M+ and not just add more mobs. Adding more mobs is their go to mechanic and they are upset we deal with them through big aoe pulls so instead of investing time into M+ mechanics, they will just keep adding more mobs and take away our ability to aoe them, which effects old content as well.


My question is how does the target cap nerf handle SEF clones?

If we are able to extend the cap with SEF by having them target mobs not being hit by our AoE abilities things are going to get nerfed really fast. Blizzard doesn’t like to reward skilled players.

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To be fair, the fact that WW is basically a budget DH has a lot more to do with the overwhelming number of tools Havoc was given.


People also need to realise that WoW has a declining population.

DH exists as an accessible and exceptional (havoc anyway) class to appeal to the masses.

This helps Blizzard maintain subs and therefore money.

Havoc is a money maker

WW is not

Vivendi wants $$$

Maybe 7 years ago. They’re not getting anything now. :pensive:

Ah it’s just Activision now.

Same situation but different people pulling the strings.

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WW is one of the most fun specs in the game.

You haven’t been paying attention if you think it’s a good idea to have Blizzard start tinkering around with a spec that’s already enjoyable. That’s how you get sub rogues.

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Another build, not a single monk change


But they just turned TOD into an execute really. I would rather they keep TOD the way it is now, especially for raiding as a WW monk. That damage spike is good for keeping DPS at the top.

As for WW Monk being fun yes that is true Skuzzo for certain people. Some quality of life changes are needed. However, despite the fun you are talking about monk is still the least played class.

Touch of Death as a cooldown instead of an execute was a difference in gameplay in the majority of content with the difference in damage between having an execute based ToD vs cooldown based ToD was probably a loss overall. We went from using Touch of Death as frequently as possible because were not tuned around a 2 minute cooldown, so the extra use was a bonus, to using it effectively otherwise the value in the cooldown would decrease.

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ToD in it’s current form is the very thing keeping us down


I don’t know if I agree entirely.

If we’re talking strictly gameplay I don’t think any of the recent core additions have been as good as Galeburst. Losing that is really :poop: tbh. It may not have been as flashy as the other abilities but it added a lot to gameplay without detracting anything from it.

Getting the ToD cooldown didn’t change what we were capable of doing either. You could still skip it on pull, use it on an add, if you wanted to and Windwalker still remained one of the best target switching specs.

Outside of the gameplay though it was terrible during a progression fight see yourself barely contributing to boss damage , or secondary target damage, because so much was tied up in a Touch of Death one trick.

The biggest thing that hurt Windwalker was moving EVERYTHING to cooldowns.


To get a good parse in current game as a WW relies heavily on how good or bad your team is, because the boss has to die as close as possible to the last ToD death.

So if the boss dies and your ToD is almost off cd, then you aren’t going to have a good one ending number 9/10 times.
I still feel VoP should have affected ToD imo, that may have helped a bit.

Yeah SeF should have stayed in it’s MoP/WoD form, to allow us to keep that niche. I loved being able to just throw a clone and stay on boss or vice versa.

I personally like the mastery, mainly because we were mostly doing it in a pseudo fashion as not to waste chi and energy.

I think my biggest gripe is just the change into SeF.

I think this applies to almost every spec, and cooldown vs. sustained discrepancies are fairly rediculous in both PvE and PvP.

Watching a fire mage damage profile is absurd.

Throw it up on a wall board during every discussion about monk, with a big red arrow underlining it and pointing to the words “class identity”.

I think the devs should go through an exercise where they have to implement Monk in Classic, and their responses should be used to guide the overall class design.

Actually design talent trees that would transform a base monk into the tank or the healer or the damage dealer. Ask what does this feel like, why should it feel this way, and how do we bring this to present day design? Right now, a Mistweaver almost feels nothing like a Brewmaster which feels almost nothing like a Windwalker. And that’s concerning when we talk about niche in encounter design.