The company that engaged in sexual harassment, unequal pay, and retaliation wants you to sign a social contract

Look if you have no issue with not being scum, then you have no issue agreeing to it

Why make a fuss?
It’s just the rules of the game being restated


average wow player when blizzard says be a nice person


It was individuals at the company, not the company itself. Those people are gone. But then there are always people who will say: “We have punished the guilty, now let’s punish the innocent”.


You got all that from me saying be decent? Cool.

Absolutism huh? You really think everything is so black and white? Honest to Bob, I just don’t understand the logic or really the lack thereof. Will there be false reports? Sure, but Blizzard looks into them, it’s why a lot of people feel slighted and come here when Blizzard chooses not to side with their complaint.


Why does pointing out the hypocrisy of blizzard and questioning the logic of the “contract” by default place me as scum why does it have to be one or the other? Believe it or not, literally millions of people have played and enjoyed wow before the contact came into existence.

It’s analogous to “If you have nothing to hide then you have nothing to worry about”

So… why the contract all of a sudden?


I mean its kinda true, but maybe its part of the Microsoft deal and soon all the trashy gutter folks who did that stuff will be in the gutter where they belong, and then Microsoft can quietly do away with any repeat “i accept forms” going forward?


I will be using this contract against people who want all class and race restrictions removed from now on.


I like your name and guild name. Fitting.

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so we just shouldn’t want that to change? oof

Saying blizzard has done bad does not make you scum
Seeing a contract to say you wont harras others and throwing a fuss however does


There it is!

There exist people that can live wonderful lives and be of service to whatever community they participate in without the threat of authority’s wrath to maintain compliance


Those people wouldn’t be those who hear “be nice to others” and scream like a karen



It’s ok to question authority


But there are still standards of being a human

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these forums are the perfect example of how their contracts don’t work all you need is a few who don’t like you and boom let the reporting begin.


These forums a damn good example of the LACK of moderation.


So there exists subhumans among us, what do they look like? Now I want to know how you would define a human.

But in all seriousness-We are talking a literal game here so let’s not pretend the WORST things to ever happen in wow are comparable to the worst events of human history

This is probably the single most important post in wow forum history, we are defining what it is to be human at this very moment

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its funny that you pay a sub to that company

tell me, do you have a cellphone, clothes, etc, i am sure the workers who made it are all hapy


“Once guilty, always guilty” is a pretty bad standard to live by. In this situation, Blizzard kind of signed a ‘contract’ like this as well with all of the legal stuff and the changes they’ve made as a result. If they can do it, so can you. Partly because you have to if you want to continue playing, but this thing isn’t even that big a deal because most of it’s been in the ToS/EULA this whole time and the bits that aren’t are just suggestions rather than new rules to follow.