The Classic Hype is dead in the EU! Need national Servers

Hey Friends,
First sorry, my english is not perfect but its better than 80% of other Germans.

Look at the EU-Forums. Especially the german and french cannot believe the last announcement of international Servers in the EU. Or look at Twitter #wowclassic. There are Streamers and Youtube Videos out rightnow. They cant believe.

Our heart is broken. Blizzard promised AUTHENTIC Classic Servers with #NoChanges. And now we get a Change that will change everything.

The Core of WoW Classic are the elements of Roleyplay, Immersion and the Social Aspect. And its like the last one is completely destroyed. A multilanguage Servers doesnt work in Europe. You can see this in a lot of other games. You cant raid with a spanish raidleader, four french people, 12 germans and two italian. You cant feel the immersion while questing and asking someone to help you. You cannot smalltalk, you cannot use sarcasm or read between the lines. You will have a unreadable Trade-Channel. There will be so much more problems.

You can expect that 20%, maybe more, people will not come to such a server and a lot will cancle after some days, only because of the language problems. I have no number: But I expect you will lose more then 100k+ subscriptions with this decision. I think Blizzard underrated the Hype here. I see people in Real Life talking about Classic, I had never expect.

Thats not enough. They are talking about creating german private Servers. Only the announcemnet Thread had more comments than every other thread, only after a few hours.

And Blizzard promised not only authentic Classic Experience. Blizzard also promised to hear their Community. And their Community is screaming in pain. It is time Blizzard can prove their promises right now. It is not too late.

Please help us!

We seriously need national Servers. At least german and french Servers.


Damn! Blizzard’s about to kick off World War 3! For everyone sake just give them a few more servers! If you don’t want to spend the money, just take a few from the BFA list. It’s not like most of them are being used.


yep Irish here, I feel like I will be forced to play on US servers because of this.


You say it. The Servers cannot even cost a fraction of the canceled subscriptions.

The Core of the game is destroyed for a WHOLE Continent.


Blizzard has the chance to make Classic WoW a renaissance of forgotten game design that could revolutionize modern gaming history.

Or they screw it right here with decisions like this one.
Or with forcing Layering down peoples throats.

It’s their choice.

They could make billions off of classic and possible future expansions – or they go back and design store mounts for a dying game.


English, feel the same.


As much as I am a supporter of a rigidly authentic Classic WoW, it starts and stops with game assets (code/art/etc). Deploying servers requires maintenance and budgeting. You can argue about it being more/less profitable, but I guarantee you someone at Blizzard has run the numbers and determined that it is not good business value to them.

Again, you can claim Blizzard right/wrong. They very well may be wrong; but this isn’t some arbitrary decision on their part for fun. Someone came to this conclusion and it was a matter of financials (be it the servers themselves, additional employees, hours to maintain them, etc).

If you are going to argue for additional servers, you need to do so on the basis of providing Blizzard the financial backing to do so – and find some way to prove that. If you simply rally the #nochanges flag, I guarantee you it will get the topic ignored. This also means that rallying the support of folks who won’t be playing on them (US Forums) is likely to provide no benefit to your campaign. In all likelihood Blizzard would love to offer regional servers if it made financial sense to them. Take that angle. Prove they are financially viable and more importantly, profitable.


But poor decisions like this will drive people away and only hinder their financial gains. This is going to be the final nail in the coffin for some players. It’s like they’re deliberately trying to drive people away. They’ll certainly look appealing financially when people start cancelling their current subs over this or don’t sub to Classic because of it.


Agreed. But, someone ran the numbers. You can argue they’re bad numbers. But at some point it came to:

(Money Saved From No Regional Servers - Money Lost From Unsubs/Refusal to Play) = “No to Regional” Profits

(Money From People Wanting Regional Servers - Cost to Offer Regional Servers) = “Yes to Regional” Profits

And it turned out that “No to Regional” Profits was higher. So the only way you can convince them otherwise, is to show them numbers to the contrary. Not to just state #nochanges and gameplay reasons. It’s a numbers game, and you have to play on that same field or it’s just useless ranting.

Hi guys, i’m not from Europe, not either from U.S.A, i’m from Latin America, and my recommendation for all people of Europe is just do the same we are going to do: create guilds by language. Guilds for german speakers, guilds fro french speakers, guilds for italians speaker, and so on. Is the only solution right now.


That’s acutally part of the problem, when you’re not German and realise half way through the game that your server has been unofficially designated the unofficial German server and nearly every raiding guild only accepts German speakers, as an example. Trade’s/general’s a mess, guilds and rp, all a mess.


I’ve seen replies in the thread “threatening” Blizzard that they will “take over” a server(s) they designate and make it a toxic wasteland environment that ostracizes anyone who isn’t of their nationality to forcibly create the concept of regional servers. So, there’s that?


I mean seriously.

Does Blizzard think, for example, English/French people launch the game and think ‘ok, today I fancy playing on an Italian realm’ and that they click the tab and make a character on Pozzo del Eternita or whatever it is, and then expect to raid with their guilds in English/French etc?


you are welcome here my child. And think about it- the latency you will experience will be so immense I bet it will feel like authentic vanilla!

For real tho I am sorry blizz is dicking you guys.


Russians are segregated again, just like in burning crusade. Not sure where i want to start, in ghetto or with everyone

Can confirm. Why would they do this? it’s going to be chaos and no one will be able to enjoy it.

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i guess since russians will be on separate server - we will be not experiencing cross-realm BG’s. Is this a good thing?

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Man it’s like world war 3 broke out on your forums over there.
Big old salt pit but I can’t blame you guys since id want to play with same language too.


This is turning out about as well as the Diablo Immortal announcement. Wait. I totally need to steal that April Fools line.


Courteousy of the reddit, your welcome lol.

I had a feeling this wasn’t going to go over well but I didn’t think it would blow up this largely. Then again I’m not an Eu person so.