The Class or Classes You Want to See Next

Maybe Blizzard released Legion’s Class Halls knowing well the game would shut down before they introduce a new class. If not, I wonder how they’ll make it work.

return of the ranged Survival Hunter

Or an arcane archer class/spec.

It’ll be a new hero class that starts at a higher level after the current ‘new player’ experience.

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Some kind of dragon-based mage/warrior. Shapeshifter ideally, but a channeler would be cool, too. Different flights could be different specs (dragon would have to be chromatic if they went that route, but a channeler could be any)

A necromancer would be awesome, too. Personally, I think of an attacker who uses pole arms/staves, and has abilities that bring out temporary handheld crossbows and whips.

A cleric would be cool, too. Think of a mail wearing battlemage who’s spells and their effects (specs) revolves around their chosen deity.

A Samurai. 2h sword wielder who wears heavy-ish armor, and communes with the spirits of their swords for a source of their power. (I keep coming back to FFT samurai in my mind). Specs would revolve around which blade spirit he was tapping into.

Anything but tinkers.

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Simple. Give them a good weapon at the start and ignore the artifact element of the leveling experience or, failing that, grey Legion out for the leveling experience.

Blizzard doesn’t care about past content. Especially not to the point that it would preclude them from adding a new feature to the current game.