The Cataclysm Classic PTR is now Open

Are you pinecones completely incapable of advance notice? Do you actually want people to test these raids or not?

I had the same prediction – it would be released just like it was supposed to be in Classic… during Dragon Soul.

I had the same prediction for RDF when it would be released, and it was.

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Will lfr share lockouts with normal/heroic to prevebt people from hyper gearing the new teir sets and trinkets?

Will lfr be the abuseable cata version of need/greed or will it be personal loot?

Will the new epic gem currency come from lfr as well or only normal/heroic?

I ask these questions to try to determine if lfr will essentially feel mandatory to do even for those doing heroic raids.

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Don’t hold your breath. This will likely just be the original iteration. So yes you’ll want to run them for more gear initially…but just like anything else they will fall off the radar quickly. If anything is more to do, it is a short raid. Unless there are massive numbers of people asking for it (which there are not). Your not going to see a change to it.

It will be the end of feb giving a month of jj.

interesting random post and dont even mention about firelands nerfs or anything…

what a loss battle is to ask anything to this dev team… if it wasnt for the great folks I found while raiding I would have unsubbed months ago.

Depends on if the new gems currency can drop in lfr for if its just the first few weeks.

They should be available via Valor, I think a lot of people will just get them with alts and such. It certain a bottleneck otherwise.

The posts such as this one should be made with one or two weeks ahead of time, at least a few days perhaps. One day prior is very unprofessional in the sense of respecting your customer’s time. People need time to coordinate to have effective testing periods with our raid groups, please be more respectful of our time in the future.

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The conspiracy theorist in me wants to say they’re aware that not many people really care about Dragon Soul and are just ready to move on to Pandaria

We aint in mop lmao?

I will never understand why people are so bitter and miserable. Be happy it’s coming out and you’ll have the opportunity to play it. Jesus.

This guy too. BE HAPPY YOU GET THE PTR. Play the 2nd week if you’re so salty about the one coming out this weekend.


Just scrap LFR from this, it isn’t wanted. normal modes are easy to pug into. this kills pugging and normal mode guilds

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New elemental rune dungeons? So a flat increase to health/dmg again? yay…

Oh look – a rotating alt w/1 posting stating the LFR is not wanted.


Boo hoo, turns out removing features of a game that fans of those expansions may have liked isn’t something the people in control are interested in.


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are you sad? i havnt posted on the forums in a while? I dont live on here like you mr 5377 post

Naaa…not sad someone feels the need to rotate on an alt to post some toxic nonsense that LFR is not wanted and provides zero data points to support their statement.

Thanks I’m proud I have that many over the entire life time of being to post on this version of the forum software over the last 20 years.


you’re one assuming im alt swapping, I’m posting on my cata main. grow up bucko

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Oh no… you called me “bucko”…whatever shall I do…

While you fester in your own toxic mess, the rest of us will enjoy LFR and the more you dislike it the happier it makes me.