The Calling - Anduin's Short Story

I liked the story. I think it is similar to having a character go on a walkabout, where they journey until they either meet themself and/or meet what they need to hear. In Anduin’s case I don’t think he has fully had that yet and it may give a hint at where his character will be going in the future.

One thing people sometimes forget, is that this period of mind puppeting was not so short either.

We don’t have exact time, but he probably spent few months under domination magic, considering we know shadowlands took around 2 years in universe to happen fully and then we have a 3 year timeskip after that. His perception of reality and self was probably so twisted.


This was not the vibe I got. The part he enjoyed was the attempted murder (cause he never actually killed the Bastion leader), the idea of killing someone. He didn’t enjoy the mind control part…


if they didn’t willing use the drug and it was injected into them against their will, that would be perfectly understandable answer. even if they still felt horrified that the whole thing occurred at all.

  1. the Alliance has been searching for him but no one can actually find him. 2) based on this short story, he isnt exactly defenseless.
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Wow writing is starting to bum me out. I’ve had enough of this stuff in DF, it was nice for a while but now, come on, change it up a bit. People laughed at me when I said I loved the Traveler series cause it’s a kid’s book, because it’s not all depressive crap like this.

You know, his backstory actually says that he’s really, really, really bad at fighting with a sword and it doesn’t suit him. Nevertheless, they portray him as the great fighter here, golden must finally stop writing anduin…

yeah, there is a source, called shadowlands.

Domination magic works in such a way that you can’t tell whether you want it or the person dominating you wants it, so it’s more likely to be understood that you do it all without being able to tell whose fault the decision is. Ergo, you are responsible for everything in your own eyes and you wanted it that way because you simply don´t know the difference.


I think it entirely depends on how the controller wants their victims to feel, Anduin says he can’t tell where he begins and the jailers control ends, We know from sylvanas’s POV that she knew it wasen’t her in control but she was basically a passenger in her own body and we have some forsaken lore that states they were basically just mindless during the entire time not even able to recall what they were forced to do.

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You know that Golden wrote this right? That if it was someone’s decision to make him a bad fighter it was either 1) not hers and really it was abit Metzen as I recall considering they wanted him initially to be some sort of archer priest. 2) he has been shown to be a sword fighter since at least Legion. That this is old lore/a retcon from long ago and mostly done so he could wield his dad’s sword.

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The fact that said school of magic requires such a thorough explanation emphasizes just how stupid the concept is.


Yeah but it’s more like if someone laced their drink with that substance rather than them consenting to doing a drug they knew might make them go ballistic. In which case I feel like feeling very little remorse or guilt would be justified.


honestly there are a lot of pretty lasting and simple issues in the story and its writing. bit of a shame that they’re choosing to continue treating anduin less like a character and more like a flat archetype and foil for other characters during each expansion; it doesn’t appear like it ever gets better as a practice

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I played the Shadowlands. Don’t recall an explanation like that. So, allow me to ask again.

Is there a source? Something more specific than an entire expansion?

I cited this source earlier:

What source? That’s just you saying something. A source is a link to an image of the dialogue, or a page on a wiki or wowhead with quest text, naming which quest it comes from.

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Domination is akin to communication, a language, if you will.
One so powerful that it interferes with a creature’s very understanding of itself. This is why it is almost impossible to resist.

Here is your source. And I hope you trust your fellow players more, especially since you didn’t give them reasons to distrust.

Thank you.

And I hope you start asking for sources for anything and everything you hear or learn. We live in an age of misinformation, and there is never any shame to be had in asking someone for a source to their claims.

That having been said, that quote was absolutely buried in an obscure and easy to miss 20 second segment of the game. Small wonder I missed it.

While that does throw Anduin’s PTSD into new perspective, I still think it’s pretty poorly justified if I’m honest. To me, this still feels like an undeserved crisis of faith story, and thus poor writing. It wasn’t great when Thrall went through it, nor Saurfang. Blizzard just can’t write this sort of story all that well.


Asking for a source is not a bad thing. Also even with that source which I have read before still does not really make sense in how domination does not…well…dominate ones mind, rather compels them. If anything how its described it sounds like it would just confuse the target rather them make them do you bidding by choice.

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I pointed out where it could be found.