The Burning Crusade is Coming to WoW Classic!

lol your priorities are all jacked up, time to revaluate.

Looks like blizz shat the bed. lol

Saddest thing I’ve read in a while. Go to work, sperg. The game will be here when you get back

You have the option to leave your characters in classic but you have to do it right away. If you do not then its 35 to clone.

yes and u dont have to get it i mean come on there is 60s running around so y does lvl 58 bother u deal with it cry on ur own

How do they delay the release of a game they have already released? It’s so nice they delayed it twice?


TBC is coming to classic
 but not today.



Happy to see you go and please don’t come back:)

Amazing isn’t it? I mean, 14 years isn’t enough time to make sure they get the release out on schedule


is there anyway to start a petition to get the character creation and graphics from current world of warcraft shadowlands to be used on the classic and classic burning crusade?

i think everything should stay the same but the graphics should still be updated. hundreds of thousands of people would enjoy classic much more all over again if this happened.

also i think every single expansion should be re released in order on the classic servers with the option EVERYSINGLE time to clone a character because it gives people a chance to relive the story of each expansion. especially for those of us that missed it. WITH CURRENT GRAPHICS THOUGH not using old graphics.


It was announce for the 1st of june. Now its 2nd of june. Like the prepatch taking forever for some S
 things hapening with all characters mailbox hmmm
 stop all these non sense
 all of this is just to make money out of a 14 years old extansion. Pfff

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You are not prepared, Blizzard


They dropped it to $15 to clone I believe.

is it though? or are we going to have to wait until june 2nd?


I am so PO’d. I had the day off and stayed home to play being strung along like a carrot on a stick by blizz. I have played since the original TBC but I am beyond bored with retail and now I think I am done with classic and blizzards bs. Blizz aint never gonna learn and the sub fee aint worth it any longer


So I have not read anywhere exactly what the difference will be between Classic and Burning Crusade. If I move a toon to Burning Crusade, then I could not go to the classic areas again? I would only play in Outlands? If I still have access to the classic areas when selecting Burning Crusade, why would I keep a toon in Classic only?

Does anyone know where we can find a server list of what servers will be TBC/classic? I have friends on multiple servers who all want to play TBC together and we are trying to figure out the easiest way to get together on launch week as we’re all on different servers currently.

Now just fix the pvp server merge please, so its playable.

Any idea of when feral will be playable again for TBC? I hear it’s coming out June 1st, would be great to have this spec back in the game.