The Burn Rune Now Gives 200 SPELL POWER ? What in the actual?

Its realistically going to be mage as best caster if things dont see game changing runes. Ignite is just free % scaling damage at high enough crit

you are totally cracked if you think SPs waste a single GCD on VE now. No one takes damage, the fights are short and people are doing the mechs properly. So your entire ā€œutilityā€ argument is out the window.


So you dont want a VE nerf? but if they buff spriests enough to make you all happy raids will go down to 1 healer. Go ask for the nerf, its whats making it hard for them to balance you.


Youā€™re probably right. But since youā€™re a spriest that cries about paladins. Iā€™ll have to refer your complaint to the psych ward

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A) pvp damage is scary. B) You are wanted in raid even with low pve damage. Not even just 1, but 2 or 3 is fine.

Can you stop talking about things you have literally no idea about ?

a) VP hits for 150, SWP hits for 200 now (After pvp nerfs)
b) VE lost its utility no SP even puts it up on bosses anymore
c) you donā€™t even bring imp fort as disc has it.

i swear i wish there was an IQ req to post on forums.


bro if there was an iq req to post on the forums none of us would be here

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They were reverted today, stop being a c----.

How did it lose itā€™s utility? People still use it. Maybe not if they are trying to parseā€¦ But thatā€™s not the argument. Thatā€™s also like a warlock only using CoA.

You have dispells & curesā€¦ Which are actually kinda critical at least on the alliance side. DPS helping with dispells?! Noooo what about my parse!

Seriously, then youā€™d be blocked from whining.

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You are absolutely right. I am not VEing, off-dispelling, or CURING ? u realize curing takes you out of shadowform. Imagine catering your comments for the worst players in the game ā€¦

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So I looked at the number 1 guild in the world.

They have 3 shadow priests in their latest raid.

2 98ā€™s and and 85 dmg parse. Iā€™m seeing multiple VEā€™s being cast.


Youā€™re kind of dumb.

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yeah but that doesnā€™t fit the narrative heā€™s building so itā€™s irrelevant


Yeah, itā€™s pretty hilarious that heā€™s like ā€œonly bad players do that and thereā€™s no reason to bring shadow priests!!!ā€

Yet you look at actual good players in top guildsā€¦

And thereā€™s multiple shadow priestsā€¦

(Btw if anyone wants to take a look on wclogs you can check by number 1 guild or player, I went with top guilds because top players tend to cheese things).

Yeah as stated in the other reply, you canā€™t be ā€œmiddle of the packā€ until they nerf/get rid of some the healing/utility. Someone has to be at the bottom. It makes sense for the class that has:

Raid healing roughly on par with an actual healer
Pets that do sunder, demo shout, and thunderclap to an enemy
Another pet that puts a 10% (not 8%) curse on a target

Not saying they couldnā€™t use a PvE buff, just saying the classes that bring more utility should be on the bottom if someone has to be there right?

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Put it this way - if I were horde Iā€™d be playing a shadow priest (I donā€™t like alliance priest options). They are dangerous in pvp and are wanted in raids.

The only downside I could see is that if the utility isnā€™t really needed, but weā€™re talking SoDā€¦half way through P3 and people are happy with multiple shadow priests.

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Yeah I have one as an alt for these reasons. Extremely strong in Pvp and people want you in raid so they can bring less healers. I donā€™t see what the problem is being at the bottom when you look at how much healing/utility you can bring. You can still get raid spots and compete within your own spec/class. If it was gating you from raid spots because of your class I could see why people would be upset, but it doesnā€™t seem like it is (at least not in my experience).

Is this the #1 guild for speed clear of entire raid?

Or the fastest boss kill times?

Pretty big difference. Spriests are amazing on huge trash pulls in speed clears. Their dps and utility donā€™t bring much to boss kill times.

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The bonus spell power is just a buff from having flame tongue on your weapon, weapon imbues are flat bonuses that donā€™t scale.

Plus it gives ele the joy of having to worry about having a weapon imbue up that only lasts 5 minutes.

Literally everything you say is braindead and you only attract other grey parsing weirdos to support your cause.

The fastest speed clear DOESNā€™T bring enough healers on purpose so they can pull that SP strat off. Their raid comp takes the most minimal and optimal amount of damage because they are all 500x players better than you.

Does that mean SP have utility for the average run ? No. In a regular run, where you bring 4 healers, there is NO reason to VE, none, zero, nil. Honestly you are a GREEN parsing clown, now getting blocked.

Easy fix

  1. VE rune that increase the shadow priest shadow damage done by 20% instead of heal party for 30%
  2. Nerf dots 20% and buff casts 20%
  3. Buff warlock shadow bolt crit talent to be a perma 20% shadow damage debuff instead of having only 4 charges.

sounds like the solution is harder raidsā€¦ :expressionless: not pushover paper mache