The Big List of Missed Opportunities

Who are the dead characters you’re most bummed about never seeing in an expansion about death?


  1. Grom
  2. Orgrim Doomhammer
  3. Cairne
  4. Ulan Highmountain
  5. Sen’jin

Not dead characters, but:

  • Saving the Night Elf Souls instead of destroying them
  • Elune as a whole
  • The Night Warrior as a whole
  • Baine

Are massive missed opportunities that went nowhere and it’s actually infuriating

  1. Tiffin Wrynn
  2. Eimear Bronzebeard
  3. Anasterian Sunstrider
  4. Archmage Antonidas
  5. Liam Greymane
  6. Medhiv(?)
  7. Aegwynn(?)
  8. Malygos
  9. Neltharion

My list could go on and on.


the second generation pawn of Zovaal after the OG, Ner’zhul:


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Going to be honest Im pretty glad they didn’t go all out giving us a ton of souls of dead characters.

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The only Anduin storyline I had any interest in was him reuniting with Varian and Tiffin. I mean, it’s an afterlife expansion. This is the one single time dead character fanservice is appropriate. I also wanted to see Thrall with MU Durotan. And of course I wanted to see my husbando Arthas.

  • tying Vampyr curse to Venthyr at all
  • Primus interacting with any Forsaken at all
  • Tying Thornspeaker Death Druidry and Athair/Athainne to the Winter Queen
  • any meaningful Shaman ancestor magic development
  • Rastakhan appearing at all, Bwonsamdi not being relevant at all
  • Baine. In general. At all. Who is still MIA
  • They added Benedictus Voss in 9.1 and still haven’t used him and there’s no indication they will
  • Zul’jin in Revendreth. Imagine if Bwonsamdi had us go rescue him from the venthyr.
  • Using the return of Arthas to allow Sylvanas to actually confront him and get closure after her revenge was robbed her in WoLK
  • Using those mirror things in Bastion to look into the past and show the Alliance what really happened at the Broken Shore on the Horde side
  • Medivh somehow being tied to the Shadowlands since he’s been hinted this whole time as being important to Death and having Death imagery.
  • Tying Medivh’s Dark Riders to the Brokers.
  • Finding out why Yogg-Saron calls himself The God of Death
  • Lorthemar confronting Kael’thas. Kael’thas interacting with anyone he knew in life, Kael’thas being confronted by Sylvanas… why did he have her ring in Tempest Keep? Nathanos confronting Kael’thas for Kael kicking him out of the Farstriders.

But there’s still a lot of loose ends:

  • How did the Jailer break his own chains?
  • Why was Mueh’zala so important?
  • Why was Mueh’zala stealing Loa from Ardenweald and why were the Mawsworn eating thier souls?
  • Will Vol’jin wake up and return to Azeroth as a new Loa spirit and will he become the new Loa of Kings?
  • What other deals did Odyn make now that we know he traded more than just his eye.
  • How did Zul and Talajni end up together in the Stockades in BfA?

They cut an entire Lillian Voss and the Scarlet Crusade plot from BFA which is a shame because I had a great theory about Death Hunter Morgoth (Morgath) being Renthar Hawkspear and I’m deeply saddened that never became reality.

I wanted Death Hunter Morgoth to be a secret Crusade Agent, and for the Crusade to be expanding to include races outside of humans. They also seemed to have dropped another plot in BfA involving the return of The Syndicate, they were just seen in the Arathi Warfront as random mobs.


I think they were planning on making Lilian accept the Light again and having her be Calia-fied

And realized that was a mistake

Same way the Tauren/Baine/Cairne content seems to have been cut (no indication of any of them for 9.2) likely because they realized what they had planned was an objectively bad idea and fed into numerous racist tropes.


That would have added so much depth to Lillian. So much wasted potential.

I’ve come to realize that I hate the big cosmic stories and I actually just really like the everyday interpersonal stories of the people on Azeroth. I can’t wait to get back to mundane drama and stories that deepen characters we already love.

Death Hunter Morgoth probably would’ve been Nathanos in disguise since Morgoth is Danuser’s self insert

Not seeing Nuuri has me hopeful that she will pop up later as a story for Velen alive. Taretha not popping up for a Thrall story bums be out though. Really thought seeing her in some way would have been nice for Thrall.

How many self inserts does Danuser have?

Maybe the Danuser self inserts are the friends we made along the way :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

Atleast three, the other two being the ambassadors for the allied races.

I hope Renautus isn’t Danuser…

don’t worry, I’m not.

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I would have liked to see more relatively minor characters show up and be developed, both living and dead, though I very much like the ones we have gotten:

  • Tiffin Wrynn - I would like to know more about her besides the fact that she was Queen of Stormwind and died after getting hit with a rock.
  • Elena Mograine - Like Tiffin, I would like to know more about what she was like, and I would like Alexandros to have the opportunity to reunite with her, considering how much her death devastated him. Also, like Anduin and Tiffin, and Thrall and Draka, I’d like to see Darion properly meet his mother.
  • Renault Mograine - Renault is considerably more well-established than his mother, but there is a good deal of dramatic potential to be had in having him show up and interact with Alexandros, Darion, and Whitemane. Where did he end up? Is he aware of how Balnazzar manipulated him and Whitemane? Has he made efforts to repent and atone for killing Alexandros, considering that he was struggling with the guilt before his own death? How would he react to seeing Darion again, let alone finding out that Darion and Sally are now undead?
  • Edwin VanCleef - I just think he’d be fun to have around, and there would be some good potential for drama.
  • Lireesa Windrunner - Ma’am, please come pick up your daughter, she’s breaking open holes in reality and not playing nice with others.
  • Benedictus Voss - He’s already in the game, please let Lilian interact with him, or at least learn of his fate and acknowledge it.