The Big Druid Bug list

The aquatic form bug happens to night elves as well, and seems to be a holdover from retail’s coding, where it’s happened for a long time.


using a macro to shift out of form and cast something is also bugged at times.
More often than not i’m left standing there doing nothing having to press the button again a second time to get it to cast.

Not sure if it has to do with GCD and swing timers or just shonky work on Blizzards end.

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Yeah there’s a lot of bugs, I have a /cast cat form /cast prowl macro and sometimes it doesn’t prowl, usually after i just finished a spell cast… not sure what is up with that
also really weird things happen if you cast forms after the end of a spellcast like regrowth sometimes it interrupts the cast
travel form doesn’t work in places marked as ‘outside’ , it even lights up the travel form icon on the stance bar. For example the auction house hut in darnassus you can walk right out where you aren’t under the roof and the button lights up but you can’t go into travel form. It’s really annoying.


It doesn’t apply every other powershift if you powershift very fast. Same how leader of the pack doesn’t get applied. That’s the bug that I’d like acknowledged

Hey guys sorry I haven’t been updating this post. I’ve been banned for the past week. I think I need to make it a policy not to post on the general forums because that place is cancer, and everyone trolls me or just flat out insults me for insinuating the existence of bugs in the game

This forum is much more nuanced and I have always had constructive feedback from you all, and for that I appreciate all of you here taking the game seriously and working towards fixing it as it is obviously in a pitiful state right now.

I will not be here much longer, as this community isn’t one I want to be a part of (minus you all here in the bug report forum), additionally, Blizzard’s refusal to acknowledge our concerns is par for the course and they aren’t a company I want to support with my money.

I am working on a Master Bug list which will attempt to compile all the game breaking bugs we have at the moment, which numbers probably close to 50 alone major bugs and hundreds of minor ones.




Popular druids who livestream are now actually illegally modifying their clients (called “morphing”) to get the same effect and satisfaction that you should have when using noggenfogger to cloak shifting. While other players can’t see the morph you have, and it’s more of a cosmetic thing on your end, it is none the less against TOS and really tells you where we’re at where players have to illegally modify their game to get a mechanic that was in vanilla.

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Another BUG I just noticed is that Nagelring does no damage to attackers or its on some weird internal cooldown thats once every few hits -_-

Did Blizzard do any Q&A/internal testing or what?

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So it seems the fixed the hit chance bug, no changes to druid power shifting or even acknowledgment of the issue. The need to tone back or turn off spell batching because I guarantee most of our issues (furor/wolf helm delay) power shifting bugs, etc are coming from that and they have no idea how to fix it with the artifical lag they introduced.


I’m still missing mauls , claws, swipes etc :frowning:


Do you have 9% hit for boss fights? the bug I was referring too was with hit gear not stacking properly unless you unequip and re-equip in a certain order. Things like devilsor, truestrike, Blackstone ring etc were not giving hit after zone ins. I was hoping when they fixed this issue it might have been related to our shapeshift aura issue but that doesn’t seem to be the case.

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Not sure if bug, but can anyone confirm that Nagelring reflect is supposed to work in bear form and stack with thorns? No damage shows up in combat log, MSBT, or Details!.

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My memory says it should, but if you read the posts from that time on wowhead, you can see it being referred to a lot.

classic wowhead com/item=11669/naglering#comments

So I can tell you from TBC arena that mana drain channels cast before the druid shifted did indeed hit their mana bar in bear. Mana burn would fail. Mana drain while casted on an enemy in bear would fizzle. I’ve asked some old school pvpers whether or not sting went through, but none of us played hunter or druid.

Not sure how this behaved back in the day, but I know shadow form is doing the same thing.

Is there some sort of changelog to show what is fixed in each week’s maintenance?

I haven’t seen a single fix for druids so far :frowning:

It did work. Swinging a 2 hander as a skeleton at 1 aps was hilarious.

Oh! I meant with regards to shadow form. I remember druids running around as form shifted pirates.

Just wanted to add that Night Elves also have the same issue with getting taken out of aquatic form when you surface for too long. It’s very annoying and unnatural. I don’t know if its better or worse than Tauren, but it definitely happens very frequently.

This discussion is about Vanilla so TBC knowledge is irrelevant. The only ability I see being applicable here would be Warlock’s Drain Mana, which is very rarely used at all, especially on Druids. However, my understanding is that druids should never lose mana while shifted. Mana Burn is still going off on druids whether or not they shift mid cast which is a bug. Viper sting is still draining mana which is a bug as well, this makes Hunter vs Druid a trivial fight

Memory is inherently a bad thing to rely on when evaluating if a mechanic is bugged or not.

Current behavior right now is that Savories not only don’t cloak shapeshifting, but the buff is actually removed entirely when a druid shifts. The common consensus is that Deviates do cloak shifting just as Noggenfogger does (which also doesn’t work). I myself don’t know 100% if Deviates do cloak shifting, but I can say that every 1.12 server I’ve ever played on allows shifting to be cloaked. I can’t see any reason for it not cloaking shifts. As it stands right now, druids are the only class for which Savory Deviate Delight is basically a useless item which seems wrong to me. At the very least, the buff should remain whether or not it cloaks the shift or not

What we know for sure is that Noggen 100% does cloak shifting in vanilla, as proven by the video linked in the OP.

You mentioned shadow form, and seem to be saying that shadow form removes Savory. If that’s the case, then that’s even more evidence that Deviates are not working as intended. Savory deviates should 100% cloak shadow form so if this is the case it means SDD is running with mechanics that aren’t 1.12

Found more clarification on the mana drain issue from blizzard’s own site that confirm the ability is bugged

Viper Sting - Stings the target, draining X mana over Y sec. Only one Sting per Hunter can be active on any one target. This sting should be used against casters with mana. PvP: This spell cannot be used on Warrior and Rogue targets. In addition, while it can be used on a Druid target at any time it will only drain mana when the Druid is in caster form. Viper sting will not drain mana from Druids while they are shapeshifted.


Also showing the issue has been known for 5 months

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It appears viper is bugged. Unless there was some change from 1.12->TBC, drain mana definitely impacted the mana bar for the duration of the channel after a form shift. Does mana burn currently still finish the cast on a bear?