The best Vulpera names you've seen?

My housemates were lured to the game (back to) with unlocking Vulpera, but they couldn’t remember the name and called them Vulpanini. So I have one.

I named mine Losertrash and promptly deleted it as soon as I got the heritage armour I’ll never use since I’ll never make another one. The completion-ist in me needed to do it, but I randomised its look, mogged some fully-covering clown suit over it, raced to 110 and axed it.

So anyway, Losertrash is the best vulpera name. Or you could just. Not make one. Even better option.

Sorry not sorry


Is that you, Kazul? xD

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I choose Eevee :fox_face:

:ear_of_rice: Inari :rice_ball:

Uh my Vulpera’s name is Rudy. It isn’t anything puny or like that but it is the name of my dog who passed away this past December. Since it was a RL name I didn’t think I’d get it. It was the only way I’d play a Vulpera past making one logging in and then promptly off.

Got it and it replaced my other character of the same class. I have an acquired sense of humor so he is a Unholy DK.

Furcoat. At least they what what they’re useful for.

Partial to my name, I feel it fits the Vulpera naming convention.

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I saw one called Pawhuska which I thought was awesome. People in that area would know.

Mine are Foxdie for Metal Gear, and Hamtaro for, uh, Hamtaro.

I think I have a good name if I do say so myself.

RonRon was my fav. For those that don’t know Ron Ron

May the floofy lad rest in peace


How cute.

Of course! Foxyyyyyy!

I mean I like my name, plus my monk is named Inari

When he passed away his owner got a new fox. Asriel. But I’m sure undertale folks had that name long before so it would be tricky for a vulpera to snag it

Little bittersweet for the times he would call him Ron Ron by accident. But everybody was just so happy with the little floof