The Best Relationship You've Forged in Warcraft

As if I’m gonna call someone else who also will talk about their gastrointestinal happenings anything other than a delight.

A chance walkup while I was temporarily stuck in trial mode after several months’ absence from wow was the start of a friendship I’m grateful for every day. This person’s not subbed now, but they welcomed me into a circle of friends - artists and roleplayers - whose friendship and supportiveness have been life-changing.

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Void, my favorite eldritch horror for too many reasons to list. <3

Arryk, who I swear I’ll actually see in game one day.

Quynt, birb & Star Wars buddy.

Dangerjosh, one of my very first friends in WoW (probably the second or third person I ever even interacted with in this game) and a truly stand up guy (not to mention a powerhouse PvP healer).

Kaer, who I haven’t spoken to in ages and really should.


See I knew I should’ve said something! I’m glad I got to know y’all and am still around lurking :eyes: with :heart:
Imma go say hi to everyone later ^^

P.S.: I don’t know if you’re going to read this, but Zan, Ria…I hope you’re out there, doing ok hugs

I’ve met some of the most awesome friends in WoW. We are from different continents, but are good friends all the same. Shoutout to Roo, Ann, Falk and Chi!

Then there’s Ariiah, my only mutually Aussie wow friend. I enjoy our extensive chats and RPs immensely.

Forum wise I really enjoy talking to Azhaar and Zenrao. We’re not close or anything, but I really do like those two. They’re both intelligent and argumentative, yet reflect on stuff and are reasonable if they’ve made a bad call. I’ve always admired that from both of them. Really everyone here is pretty cool though.

Glad to hear this! Likewise, too. Sarestha is one of my oldest WoW friends, other than Ellivara. I’ve got plenty of good friends that I talk to regularly enough, though in my experience just about everyone I’ve ever spoken to in this game has been a pretty cool individual.

Sarestha and Ellivara though, I want to thank both of you guys in particular for being willing to be part of my story-lines and RP with my characters; even when I know there’s been times where I’ve made character retcons that I’m sure have been at least a little frustrating!

You’re both some of the most supportive friends I have in the community, and I’m really grateful for that.


There was a person I met in World of Warcraft who became one of the most instrumental people in my life, one who I considered my mentor and adviser in my craft of writing, and the object of my highest admiration and respect.

To Letz, this one’s for you!


I would have to say hands down the best relationship is with my best friend ever. Kai/Chentao. Met him back in MoP and have been friends. We are also there for each other and he had helped me a lot though hard times. Funny how things work I usually never walk up to ppl in RP due to being shy, but I did once and ended up meeting him. If I had stayed shy that day I probably wouldn’t of met my best friend.


I’ll echo Windcharger…been up, down, side-to-side with this guild and WoW wouldn’t be the same without them.

I’ll go ahead and nod to Nakhu Khan, the orc with dwarf identity crisis, though I did not make his short list :stuck_out_tongue:

And of course, Rykadiel. She mentioned I was one of the first few people she interacted with in WoW. She’s such a sweet, genuine person, and it was amazing to watch her experience the game when she started. She’s grown up so fast tear <3<3<3<3


I met my best friend on this server.

I’ve always been one who has tried to help people out, I know what it’s like to feel alone, unwanted, outcast and always tried to make sure those around me didn’t feel that same sting. I lost my sister when I was 17 because she didn’t know any other way to escape our abusive mother. And I always felt guilty that I couldn’t have been stronger for her, maybe saved her life somehow.

I watched one of my uncles whither away and eventually die from his drinking.

I lost my high school sweetheart a month after we graduated.

So I know what it’s like to lose people. And to feel like you’re alone. So I tried to make it my goal to be strong for others and help them out when they were feeling weak.

And it always seemed like as soon as they didn’t need me anymore I was cast aside, And if I ever had the audacity to ask for a bit of the same help I always dished out, suddenly I became a burden.

And then I met the individual who is easily the best friend I have in this world. Never walking away from me, not letting me suffer alone through the crap show that is the start of my 2019. Always having been there for me.

And I appreciate everything she’s done for me so much. For the first time in my life I am not afraid of being left all alone again. I don’t have to worry about losing a friend just because I asked for help.

I’ve got a baby sister again, and I love her dearly, with all my heart.


OWWW MY HEART. Love you too. :slight_smile:


My husband!!!

I meet him IRL for a guild BBQ/Picnic. 9 years later we are blessed with 3 kids together, two of which play wow. :slight_smile:


It’s ok, friend. I don’t go out seeking righteous vengeance and murdering the faces off of the people who did me wrong.

Often :wink:

In my 14 years of playing wow, I have yet to make 1 friend or find a good guild experience. shrug

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You were deleted from the list, Danger, when I saw you had a human AND a gnome…a dwarf I could understand, but the other two? Almost as bad as being a Texas fan… :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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Myself an’ booze…I’m all about alternative fuels cuz’ I run on alcohol 24/7 these days

Met my two best friends and my wife on WoW. Big yeehaws all around.

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this server has a lot of girls on it

Don’t be fooled…