Is that the big lebowski?
Sure is
Such a Great Movie
Honestly it’s weird to me that the award came out before anyone even played Endwalker.
What does “ongoing game” even mean exactly? Does that apply to anything recent aside from MMORPGs?
You can group with your friend, as long as someone who doesn’t have a trial account does the inviting. This is what we did and it worked fine.
A group of us have been playing through the game and while I agree with you that A Realm Reborn (ARR) was really bad with the cutscenes, the game makers took the customer feedback and improved upon it, something that we WoW players have been asking blizzard to do for a very long time.
If you never got beyond ARR I highly recommend you grind it out because you might be pleasantly surprised.
One of the things that FF14 has reminded me about is how wonderful it was when servers were not cross-realm or sharded. It is nice to actually see a person more than once.
They could try that…but they still can’t log into FF14 during peak hours without a 2+ hour wait so I doubt they would have much luck
You mean the game with the most players it’s ever had? That dead game? Huh.
Yeah, just now I sat through a queue, got to the loading screen, dc’d in the screen, and got put to the back of the queue. At least I’ve got stuff to do here I guess, lol
Best Ongoing game wasn’t exactly a lot of competition. CoD Warzone, Apex Legends, Fortnite, and Genshin Impact. 3 out of 5 of those games have trash communities that are full of screaming kids, teens, sweaty tryhard middleaged adults, and of course hackers. If anything they did the award to snub Blizzard.
FF14 has a toxic positive community where any kind of criticism towards the game is completely brushed aside.
Either way if I had to vote on a gaming community with those 5 choices I’d pick FF14 any day of the week as the no brainer choice.
FF end game is trash
Why would you play anything but wow when we have the Mage Tower? It has everything a player ever could want in a mmo.
Jokes aside this expansion has been awful from the start until now. I just don’t see it getting any better. I was never hyped about the mage tower to begin with so all in all meh.
What’s even the next expansion about? From what I’ve seen since BfA and now Shadowlands is that this is what wow is going to be like from now on. I can already see choreghast 2.0 on the horizon, mission table v4, worthless pvp with zero effort put into it, more recycled dungeons. I wouldn’t be surprised if they’ll start recycling raids too while they’re at it. How about raiding m+ that’ll be fun!
lmao this guy talking about “The Game Awards” like it’s a real thing
Maybe this will help! Used to be called the Spike Video Game Awards.
Erm… they are?
oh no the delusion is spreading
this is shocking to watch in real time
i tried it… didnt enjoy the game… it seems to be for hardcore RPers and people who enjoy wearing tails.
I switched to FFXIV and have zero regrets. Been playing WoW since day one but the debacle of the last four terrible expansions, plus how badly they messed up TBC classic finally broke me of my WoW addiction. Now I only play the forum game until my sub runs out. I so regret that 6 month sub.
Now that I’ve heard of. Never watched it when it was called that though.
Yep, and in the world, their names show up in orange, so they are easy to spot at any time. It’s so fun adding someone and then days later seeing them somewhere random and waving at them. hahaha
I would agree Lately being a WoW player is very similar to having Mono.
And Moments like this are why I now spend more time in FF14:
Doesn’t mean it’s good, honestly. How many people do you suppose watched the last season of GoT? Prior to this post I’d never heard of it
Never heard of that before either. Suppose I’d best start calling myself Patrick and go back to my rock