The Arena Forums Goes To The Gym

The Arena Forums Goes To The Gym

Warrior: Spends his time powerlifting. Takes annoyingly long rests. Hogs the weights. Wears a backwards baseball hat.
Playlist: Dragonforce

Ret Paladin: Stacked body builder. At least, in the upper body. Literally in a wheelchair. Warrior pushes him around between sets.
Playlist: Freedom Call

Prot Paladin: Banned from the gym after asking people to spit on him in the locker room. Sneaks in sometimes anyway.
Playlist: Hip Hop

Holy Paladin: Hanging out with the other healers. Drinks way more water than them and is still always thirsty.
Playlist: 90s House Party Music

Monk: Spends all day with the boxing bags. Spends way too much time on the speedbag.
Playlist: K-Pop

Death Knight: Lifting way more weight than he looks like he should be able to. Wearing a hoodie and a baseball hat. Never makes eye contact.
Playlist: Linkin Park

Druid: Doing cardio around a support beam.
Playlist: Dance/Techno

Demon Hunter: Doing box jumps and dry scooping pre-workout. Twitchy as F. Also wearing a hoodie.
Playlist: Illidan voicelines on repeat

Hunter: Doing a full body workout and lifting way more than he should be. Seems like every patch he’s setting new PRs by at least 15%. Accused of steroid usage. Doesn’t deny it.
Playlist: Forgot his headphones

Rogue: On the treadmill constantly. Always wears his hoodie and sweatpants.
Playlist: Rammstein

Shaman: Sipping water while watching Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson do all the heavy lifting.
Playlist: Power of the Horde by ETC

Mage: Sits at the juice bar listening to podcasts while he waits for rogue. Lectures everyone else about his high IQ.
Playlist: Whatever podcast NPR recommended this week

Priest: Usually with mage at the juice bar, but sometimes hangs out with rogue on the treadmill at very low MPH.
Playlist: None, reading a paperback novel.

Warlock: Swore he’d come this week but stayed home again and posted on the arena forums about how his class is unplayable and needs buffs.
Playlist: Nightwish

Note: This list is subject to edits as people give me better ideas.


This is a lie, I spend my time on the leg press while listening to Coach Pain. Smh

Arena forum posters at the gym:

Awkwardly hits on girls working out, even though 99.9% of women hate being hit on at the gym, while sitting at the same machine for an hour and never doing more then 1 set. Continues to watch women from a distance after being rejected before going home and crying to their make-believe anime girlfriend.


Hard to believe not a single class listens to rap/hip hop :roll_eyes:

Yeah this is what comes to any person’s mind when they think of me

This part is actually true because of ADHD


True but I can’t stand rap or hip hop so I can’t easily project it onto other classes.

Who would you stick it with?

I’d give it to Prot Pal and swap K-Pop to Monks


I like that, doing an edit.

I feel like this is some shade at me


Gonna start reporting these call out threads this is ridiculous


Priests listen to Taylor Swift on repeat exclusively

Hums she wears short skirts, I wear t shirts…. She’s cheer captain and I’m on the bleachers

dont u dare give warlocks such a good playlist

I’d pick you in a fight Dillon. You would make big brain plays and probably go for an eye

Honestly I’d just go below the belt


:raising_hand_woman: :raising_hand_man:

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below the belt huh


That was really funny / disturbing. I forgot my headphones though.

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DKs listen to Black Metal not popular Nu Metal.

I’d say Dimmu Borgir.

The hoodie must be black and missing its sleeves. No hat.


aight who snitched

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this 1 is flawless

some of that is correct, but more than just Dragonforce lol